Saturday, May 31, 2014


Book Title:I Run to You 
Author:Jennifer Sivec 
Genre: Women's Fiction 
Release Date: July 2, 2014 


 Alyssa Bennet had been living life on autopilot, never taking chances or the time to figure out what she wanted in life. A broken family and lonely childhood had failed to show her the true meaning and depth of what love can be. But all that changes on her 25th birthday. Alyssa suddenly realizes that it’s up to her to take charge and choose the direction of her life. Landon Daniels, Alyssa’s best guy friend is always there for her whenever she needs him. But when life takes a drastic turn with an unexpected diagnosis, her relationship and feelings for Landon become too complicated to face. Alyssa is forced to rely heavily on the only two people she’s ever been able to trust, her best friend Anna and her beloved Nona. As they always have, they help Alyssa sort through the mess that has become her life. At her time of deepest despair, Alyssa finally begins to learn what true love really means. But her old feelings of inadequacy quickly creep back into her life making her doubt she can ever have happiness. Will Alyssa be strong enough to face her fears and run toward the only man she’s ever loved, or will she destroy her chance completely?


 Sharing Milk and a Life I knew that I was so screwed, both literally and figuratively, the second we both realized the condom had fallen off. Not only was I mortified but I was also grossed out. I mean, really grossed out. It wasn’t as though we got to do it all that often, and when we did, this happened. I really felt the situation I was in was pretty shocking, especially since it was before 8am and I barely had time to shake the sleep off before I realized he was on top of me, which I thought I might like at first. Then realized that it was Tom and sex with him was usually awkward and not fun at all. I didn’t even know why I was here, with him, still. He wasn’t exactly the guys of my dreams, but that’s what happens when you become too comfortable with your life and stop desiring more. The first guy to call you “honey” becomes your boyfriend, whether that was the initial plan or not. The relationship just kind of happens and then you wake up and realize that it’s been half a decade and you are still together. At least that’s what happened with us. We were an odd couple, but still by most people’s definition, a couple. He was crabby and grumpy, and I was happy and optimistic, and we didn't really fit together at all. We just existed together for reasons I, nor anyone else could understand but for the time being it worked and nobody really scrutinized it too closely. I knew the second we realized the condom had fallen off that things just weren’t going to end well. Tom looked at me, his light brown eyes wide, and said, "Oh, shit!" as he backed up from the condom like it was a snake about to bite him in the nuts. Really? That's all he’s going to say to me about it? Oh, shit!? Well, Happy freaking 25th birthday to me!
I knew I didn't have anyone to blame but myself about staying with Tom, in a passionless, loveless relationship. I was young and maybe even a bit lazy, inand out of college when I could afford it. I was completely lost in my life with no idea how to find myself but then again, it’s not as though I was making much of an effort. I was tired of waiting tables, but I didn't really know how to do anything else. Besides, it was good money and I didn’t have a lot of options. There was nothing I could do about the mishap at the moment. I went downstairs without even bothering to say anything to Tom. He rolled over and was already snoring away, so I went into the kitchen and made some coffee and poured myself a bowl of cereal. I tried to pet our grey cat, Willow, who had just jumped on the counter to watch the coffee brew but he scurried away from me just out of arm’s length. He stared at me with an air of disdain while he licked his paws. I hated cats. I especially hated this selfish fat cat. He didn't want anything to do with me unless I was feeding him. Brat! But now, all I could think about was that stupid broken disgusting condom. My phone buzzed. "Happy birthday, my lovely. Party tonight. XO Anna" Anna was texting me first thing in the morning, like she usually did. My Bestie since the first grade, Anna always remembered my birthday, usually before anyone else. I couldn't wait to tell her what happened, but I didn't want to do it in a text conversation. I wanted to tell her in person. "Wait till I tell you what happened first thing this morning." I knew she would be shocked when I told her that Tom climbed on me, since he hadn’t done so in months. But she didn't respond which was just as well because I didn’t really want to have a text conversation about it anyway. She was working, trying to be a responsible adult, unlike myself so she didn’t have time for my drama, even if it was my birthday. It was 9 o’clock AM on my birthday and already, I felt depressed. My birthday usually made me feel depressed, but not this early. It typically hit by noon, but thanks to the morning mishap, it was creeping up on me a lot sooner. It struck me that I hoped he didn't think the morning’s disaster was my birthday present, which I could completely see! An overwhelming feeling of disdain for Tom his stupid grey cat came over me before I could help myself and I started reflecting about our relationship, as I often did when I wasn’t happy. Tom wasn’t very nice to me. He was typically harsh and condescending, and lacked a filter, no matter where he was or who as around. Whatever he was thinking, just flew out of his mouth. The other morning when he realized I forgot to buy milk he snarled at me, “What that fuck were you thinking Lys? How am I supposed to eat my damn cereal now?” I cringed when it happened, but I realized that it was a typical scenario. It didn’t seem to matter if it was milk, laundry, what I made for dinner, or what I wore to the bar, Tom just wasn’t pleased about something. Whether it was my birthday or a random Thursday, I often wondered why we were still together, sharing cartons of milk and a life. And now this condom incident. My face started to get hot and I realized that I was freaking out over the thought of it. I had always been so careful with my birth control, no matter who the guy was, or how many times I slept with him! I didn't want to have a baby, ever. A messy, loud, time-sucking expensive baby. I always told everyone that I never wanted to have a baby. Babies were dirty and they spit up and shit everywhere. Every parent I knew was exhausted. They never slept and said their children took up every second of your time. They attempted to sound happy about it. But you could tell from the bags under their eyes and copious amounts of caffeine they needed to function, that it wasn’t as magical as they tried to make it seem. Babies were but, but was it worth the sacrifice of having sagging boobs, getting fat, and having stretched out lady parts? I had to admit that there were a few babies that were adorable, but the majority of them just had big heads, weird hair, and looked like aliens. The thought of that big head pushing itself out of a very sensitive area of the body made me want to vomit. I decided before I ever lost my virginity to Bobby Baughman, that I had no desire to ever have one of those things popping out of my body.

  Meet the Author


I’ve been writing for as long as I can remember; journals, poems, and short stories. I always wanted to write a novel and started several over the years, but for some reason I could never see them through to the end. Until Eva came along. I was abandoned as a child, at about the age of 2 or 3 which I strangely never gave a lot of thought to. Then I became a mother. When my youngest child was about 2, I watched him sleeping one night as I often did. But this night, I was gripped by this heart-wrenching realization that he was about the age that I was when my parents left me. Something stirred inside of me, and eventually Eva was born. “Leaving Eva” began as a story of a girl who was heartlessly abandoned, and then her story took on a life of its own. It was no longer the story that I began, and it became something else entirely. I am happy to have finally gotten in touch with my inner Author. She’s always been there lying dormant inside of me, reflecting in other parts of my life. But now she is awake and alive, shining through me every day. I am very fortunate to have a wonderful supportive husband, two beautiful children, and an incredible family. I have a career that is rewarding and challenging and I get to work with amazing, funny, talented people every day. Writing has been an escape, a refuge, and an outlet for me. I feel so lucky to get to channel my energy and my creativity through my writing. I hope that my readers will continue to stay with me through my journey as I grown and evolve. I am so grateful for the support I’ve received and the amazing people that I’ve encountered along the way!

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✩Release Blitz✩ "Broken Souls" by Beth Ashworth

Title: Broken Souls
Author: Beth Ashworth
Genre: Contemporary Adult Romance
Publication Date: May 30, 2014

Pain, desperation and grief.

For Ashley Akerman, they are things that she has grown accustomed to feeling over the twenty-five years of her life.

She always found it difficult to integrate into society, realising that her imperfections were always going to be the cause of her own insecurities.

Stumbling upon the sassy Gabriela one day changed Ashley’s life for the better. She was introduced into a new circle of people that accepted her for her personality and didn’t judge her on her looks. But the good luck had been running for far too long... and time was up.

When that devastating moment arises and Ashley loses the support system she has grown to rely on, how will she be able to continue?

Will she revert to her previous life of merely existing as an empty shell in the world, or will the unplanned arrival of a certain Italian playboy throw everything into absolute and utter turmoil?

Finding the strength to fight on through the destruction will be key for Ashley. Will she be able to overcome the overwhelming fear of her past catching up with her once again? Can her broken soul be repaired, or has she finally reached the point of irrevocable damage?

Beth Ashworth was born in Manchester in 1990, but shortly moved to the modest city of Coventry where she was raised and still resides now.

As an avid reader from a very early age, Beth has always been keen to put her words onto paper. As a child she was always found with either a book in her hand, a pen and notepad or a computer games controller.

Starting off by initially writing alternate endings to her favourite Jacqueline Wilson books from around the age of ten, Beth has continued to grow and love her passion for books.

Eventually, after many unfinished books and short stories, she finally decided to follow her passion and write books that she hopes people will love.

When she isn't reading or writing, Beth loves to spend time with her husband and friends.

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✯Cover Reveal✯ Wicked Innocence by Missy Johnson

Cover Reveal   Wicked Innocence
by Missy Johnson
Publication Date: June 27, 2014
Synopsis: Don’t let my petite and innocent appearance fool you, because I’m one person you don’t want to cross. I’m Micah, the youngest member of Resurrection…If only they knew how young. My fake ID says I’m twenty-one.
And I will be…in four years. What can I say? I blossomed early. Home sucked, so I left, determined to do something with my life. Landing the gig as lead vocalist in the band was a dream come true. I’ve worked hard to make something of myself and nothing is going to ruin that for me. Then He showed up. He’s hot as hell and so into me. But he’s also twenty-five. I don’t want to lie to him, but if the truth comes out I’ll lose everything, including him.  
About the Author: Missy lives in a small town in Central Victoria with her husband, and her confused pets (a dog who think she’s a cat, a cat who thinks he’s a dog…you get the picture).
When she’s not writing, she can usually be found looking for something to read.

Special Weekend Sale!

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✯Promo✯ The Sordid Promise by Courtney Lane

Title: The Sordid Promise
Author: Courtney Lane
Genre: Erotic Suspense/Psychological Thriller 
Publication Date: March 26, 2014

Warning: Contains graphic language, frequent graphic sex, disturbing violence, and very dark themes.

When physical pain allows you to escape your reality; what do you do when the pain is no longer strong enough to quiet the emotional ache?

Diouana "Nikki" returned to her hometown six months ago to tend to her sick mother. She thought she'd left her "baggage" behind her on the opposite coast, only to find that it never left her side. As her self-destructive thoughts begin to consume her, her mother -- realizing Nikki's torment -- pushes Nikki to complete her last wishes.

Eric Brenton, Nikki's new neighbor, lives in a dark, chaotic world that is easily hidden behind his model good looks and cocky demeanor. Unapologetic about his dirtier intentions, he sets his sights on Nikki with an offer to help her. But his help comes with very unorthodox conditions and a huge price.

And Eric...comes with an extensive black box warning label.

I’ve been creating my own little world since I was very young. When I was eight years old, I began to bring those worlds to life with pen and paper.

While I write across genres (I find it hard to stick to one genre), I do have an archetype when it comes to the female protagonist — they have to have certain type of strength, strong convictions, and layered personalities. There will often be a lot of darkness and depth to my stories, but I don’t see the point in writing vapid characters who are thrust into “safe” situations.

Writing Science Fiction/Fantasy is my first love. If there is one thing for sure, I'm a bit of a misfit when it comes to Romance. I prefer my romances dark. The elements that will be common in my stories are: depth, controversy, and misfit characters.



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Friday, May 30, 2014


Once upon a time, I had a life before Levi.
It's a time that is sometimes hard for me to remember.
But with our lives on the brink of disaster caused only by my own actions, and solely my past... It is time for me to give the world a look at my deepest and sometimes darkest thoughts.

This is Seven's Domme Diary. 
A look at life before Levi.
A peek into life before Hers.
Will you ever be able to look at Seven the same again?

About Dawn Robertson: 

Dawn Robertson is a two time best selling, twenty-something indie author, and mother. She lives in sunny senior citizen packed Florida, where she wrangles her flock of kids and writes smut.
Dawn can normally be found swearing like a sailor, making late night drive-thru appearances, arguing with her kids, reading a steamy romance while hiding in her bathroom, writing her little heart out on her laptop, shopping for My Little Pony goodies, being the life of the party at a book signing, or sipping on a smoothie. She loves to hear from her fans, readers, and authors alike. Feel free to drop her a message.
Dawn rarely takes life seriously, so be sure to expect heavy sarcasm from her. She is also the life of the party, so be sure to meet up with her at one of the many author events she will be attending in the next couple months. Buy her a shot of whiskey, and she will love you for life.

Find Dawn Robertson:


We are so excited to share Monica Murphy's cover for her upcoming sexy contemporary romance, OWNING VIOLET, coming from Random House Bantam. Check out how gorgeous it is! 

Owning VioletTHICKER#413D29


  The Fowler sisters are New York City’s darlings, heiresses to the Fleur Cosmetics Empire. Quickly put up on a fame hungry pedestal only for the media to lie in wait, eager to tear them down, these three very different young women soon find love in the most unexpected places…

  OWNING VIOLET coming December 2.

 Violet Fowler is the good sister. She works hard at her family’s cosmetics company, is faithful to her boyfriend and never causes any trouble. Until Zachary disappoints her yet again with a promotion that will take him to London—and away from her. His leaving sets a new fire within her. What’s the point in being so good when no one else ever is? Someone within Fleur Cosmetics wants that London promotion and will do anything to get it, including throwing temptation in the path of the not-so-faithful Zachary. Ryder McKay came from nothing and has fought every step of the way to his position at Fleur. And now the mysterious charmer has set his sights on Violet. If it worked for Zachary, it could work for him. Seducing the good Fowler sister is easy. What Ryder doesn’t count on is how much Violet makes him feel. What started out as revenge soon becomes something deeper. Can Ryder go through with his plans to deceive Violet? Or is he only deceiving himself?

 Other books in series:
 STEALING ROSE coming spring 2015
 TAMING LILY coming summer 2015 (tentative release dates)

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ABOUT MONICA MURPHY: New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Monica Murphy is a native Californian who lives in the foothills below Yosemite. A wife and mother of three, she writes New Adult and contemporary romance for Bantam and Avon. She is the author of One Week Girlfriend and Second Chance Boyfriend.

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Book Title: Greetings From Sugartown (Sugartown #2.5)
Author: Carmen Jenner
Publisher: Independent
Genre: Contemporary New Adult
Release Date: August 2014
Cover Designer: Cover It! Designs
Life in Sugartown hasn’t always been easy, not for an ex-con like Elijah, and certainly not for Ana, who grew up desperate for a way out. Meeting Elijah changed all that; Elijah changed a lot of things. You’d think that after three years together and the worst behind them that life would be a walk in the park, but Sugartown’s sexiest couple may be about to face their biggest obstacles yet. Between failed marriage proposals, a trampy ex-lover and a tempting new biker, Sugartown is suddenly not so sweet. They’re head-over-heels in love. It should be simple—but it rarely is. Will they make it down the aisle to the happy ever after they deserve? Or are some relationships just destined to fail?  
Author Bio
Carmen Jenner is a thirty-something, USA TODAY Best Selling Author, doctor, pilot and CIA agent. She's also a compulsive, flagrant prevaricator who gets to make things up for a living. While Sugartown may not technically exist, Carmen grew up in a small Australian town just like it, and just like her characters, she always longed for something more. They didn't have an Elijah Cade, though. If they did, you can be sure she would have never left.  
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