Wednesday, April 30, 2014

✯Release blitz✯ "Runner" by AJ Summer

Title: RUNNER(#2 Tainted Hearts) 
Author: AJ Summer
Release Date: 30th April 2014
Hosted By: Forever Me Romance

move at a speed faster than a walk, never having both or all the feet on the ground at the same time.

a person who smuggles specified goods into or out of a country or area.

because if you don't I will find you and you will wish you'd done it a little faster, a little better, because there's nowhere on earth I won't find you...

You make the right choice, you win.
You make the wrong choice, you lose.
You let someone else choose for you, because there really isn’t any other way to do it and they own you.
I’ve worked for Reno Parker for six years.
And shit just got bad.
I’m going to the place I thought I’d never see again.
I’m going home.
Do I want this new responsibility? No.
Do I need it? Yes.
Will someone else choose for me?  Never again.
And to finally crash this impending train wreck, there's a girl messing with my head.

Are you ready for another seven days?

Please note: This book contains mature and sensitive content and is not suitable for readers under the age of 18yrs.



Author Bio
AJ Summer lives in a dusty little town in South Africa. She married her high school sweetheart and has three beautiful kiddies.

She loves getting lost in a book and writes poetry with a darker, emotional edge. Her stories follow much the same path.

Her debut novella released in November 2013 and is the first in a 5 book series.

Where to find AJ

Twitter: @AJSummer_1





Twenty-six year old lead singer and guitar player for Hostage for Ransom. Currently residing at The Second Chance Ranch rehabilitation facility in Dallas, TX. He is originally from New York but lives in LA when he's not on the road with his band. 

Bourbon and brunettes. And blondes. And redheads. 

Anyone or anything that gets in his way. 

Whatever drowns out the painful memories of his past. 

A black-winged angel on his back. A full sleeve on one arm depicting the path that led him to music.    A small cross below his left thumb. And some more, um, intimate ink in places you have to discover for yourself. 



“Damn you taste good, cowgirl,” he told her once she’d ridden out the remaining violent waves of ecstasy. “Here, taste.” Ignoring her wide eyes, he pressed his mouth to hers and lashed his tongue inside. He knew the sugared honey that was her arousal flared her desire because she clamped her legs around him and gripped his biceps hard enough to hurt. The way she dug her fingers in, as if she were holding onto him for dear life, made him ache to be inside her.
“Made up your mind yet?”
She pulled back from their kiss, still panting enough to make his entire life. “About?”
“Whether or not you believe the rumors. About me. Be honest.”
An impish grin lifted her lips. “Well, I can say with absolute certainty that you are, in fact, a madman.”
“That’s what they tell me, sweetheart.” He brushed his lips softly against hers to show her that, even as crazed as he was, madman or not, he could be gentle too—if that’s what she needed.
“Van…I need you,” she breathed. “Soon.”
The plea soothed every open wound he’d nursed for as long as he could remember. She needed him. And unlike the last woman who’d needed him, the one he’d failed miserably, he would be what Stella Jo Chandler needed. He would keep this one safe.
“You’ll have me. Soon. We’ll just have to be careful. I don’t want to cost you your job, cowgirl.”
She nodded. His eyes met hers and he saw it. She trusted him completely.
He would be worthy of that trust. Of her.
Or so help him, he’d cut out his own damn heart. 

COMING MAY 12, 2014

Or check out the giveaway below and enter to win 1 of 3 ARCs being given away! 



✯Sale Blitz✯ "Kismet" by A.E. Woodward

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Book Title: Kismet 
Author: A.E. Woodward 
Genre: Contemporary Romance 
Release Date: February 10,2014 
Katie’s world came crashing down in an instant. Her husband, daughter, and unborn baby. . . all gone in a flash. The life that she’d come to know, gone before she ever really got to live it. With a broken heart, she deals the only way she knows how, by shutting it all off. No communicating, no feelings, just pure nothingness. Alone with nothing but her own thoughts and a well meaning family, she moves back to her childhood home, a horse farm. It’s there that she finds herself healing along with the horses her family rehabilitates. But when Parker McKenzie comes back into her life she’s reminded of all that went wrong, and all that she lost.
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Meet the Author
author pic
A.E. Woodward lives in Vacationland with her husband and two young children. Between her day job and the pursuance of a master’s degree, she wrote her first novel, Imperfectly Perfect. Since then she has written three more novels, Imperfectly Real, Kismet, and Imperfectly Bad.

 In the twenty minutes that has passed since my Mom called Parker, the kitchen has become a hub of excitement and confusion. I’m still sitting on the hallway floor. In all the confusion I think I’ve been forgotten. But that’s fine, because I’m really good with being alone. It’s soothing for me to be lonely. That, and listening to all the conversation gives me something else to focus on besides myself. Tommy and Pop eventually join Mom and Stevenson in the kitchen, waiting for Parker. Each of them throw their two cents in as to how this should go down. Tommy insists that he should go with us, saying that Parker can’t handle the responsibility. I appreciate that he’s still trying to look out for my best interests, but the fact of the matter is that Tommy doesn’t know the half of what I need. He goes round with Mom and Pop, but Stevenson stops him. “We need to follow her lead, Tommy.” “I just don’t think her going there with him is the best option right now!” Tommy yells. “Now, I respect your concern, Tommy, and we all appreciate that you want the best for your sister. However, if Katie wants to go alone with Parker then that is what we give her. She needs to be in control of her own recovery. We need to remember that this isn’t about us. She’s an adult, she can make her own choices.” Tommy lets out a sarcastic laugh just before I hear the screen door fling open, the springs creaking in response, and then quickly slamming shut. “What the hell is going on?” Parker asks anxiously. Quickly, Stevenson fills Parker in on my request. He adds that Parker shouldn’t feel pressured, especially if he’s not comfortable with the situation, but that he needs to understand how huge this could be for my treatment. “Why me?” he questions. “I dunno, Parker,” Tommy barks. “Why you?” There’s a brief, awkward silence before Stevenson clears his throat and continues to speak. “Obviously Katie knows you well enough to know that you’ll be there for her, while allowing her enough independence to cope with it on her own terms. She’s trusting you,” Stevenson says without emotion. “I don’t know if I can do this,” he mutters. Experience tells me that he’s most likely running his hands through his hair. He always does when he’s nervous. A fist slams against the table, making me jump out of my skin. “You’re right, you can’t!” “Tommy!” Mom scolds. A few more moments of awkward silence pass. I can only imagine the looks that are being thrown in that kitchen. The tension is surely raising a few questions in everyone’s mind. “I just don’t think this is the best idea,” Tommy speaks quietly. “You’re in over your head, Park.” “We’ve been here before, Tommy,” Parker reminds him. “Exactly.”

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Tuesday, April 29, 2014

✯Review✯ "Something Like Normal" by Monica James

Mia Lee has a secret… 

A secret she’s kept hidden since she was eight years old, however, Mia will no longer allow that secret to define her. 

An irrevocable decision has left Mia Lee a fugitive and on the run—a circumstance that should leave her weak and scared, yet Mia has never felt so alive.

Under the pseudonym of Paige Cassidy, Mia is ready to live the life she’s never had, and she’s determined not to allow her tainted past dictate her promising future. 

Paige is on a Greyhound bus heading from L.A. to South Boston, Virginia, to start a new life. A life that includes finding her mother, who abandoned her at age three. But what she finds, is four people, who will change her life forever.

Yet no one can outrun their past…

Especially one filled with bitter memories, which refuse to remain hidden.

5 HUGE Stars!!!
This book was completely KICK ASS! It's not your lovey-dovey romance, and it's not your deep dark story which will keep you up at night. It was such an original story unlike other books I have read before and I loved each and every second of it. Mia (aka Paige) and Quinn were such incredible characters, and I can't help but need more, more, MORE!

From the moment I saw him, I knew he was going to create a splash, but I never thought he'd cause a fucking tsunami.

Mia has a seriously fucked up past fucked with a capital 'F'. Honestly, the fact that she has ended up with a good head on her shoulders is nothing short of a miracle. On the run from a past which is slowly nipping at her heels, she settles down in a small town to start her new life. No one knows her, no one knows her past, and here she can pretend to be anyone she wants to be. She quickly finds herself falling into friendships she never thought she would be able to have, and begins to feel things she has never felt before. Happiness. Friendship. Lust. Desire. For the first time that she can remember, she knows what it feels like to have a family.

But there is only so long you can hide from a past before it comes back to haunt you with a vengeance, and this time its not just herself that Mia has to worry about. 

You cannot help but fall in love with the five main characters in this book.
Hank the lovable, big hearted man whom takes Mia under his wing who she soon nicknames "Grandpa".
Tabitha… the bubbly and compassionate girl who immediately formed a sisterly friendship with Mia.
The HOTTIE brothers Tristan and Quinn whom are polar opposites of each other yet both still insanely sexy. Tristan is the good brother. The safe one. Quinn is the bad boy whom has a past of his own. With his lip ring and sexy smirk, he just oozes sex appeal. What I wouldn't give to be able to throw him on my bed, suck that lip ring into my mouth, and do all sorts of naughty things with him.
And then there is Mia. The damaged girl who never knew friendship and love that is trying to escape from a toxic past and make a life for herself. For someone who was never shown compassion, she sure knows how to show it to those who have made themselves a home in her heart. 

"Being with me, it will consume parts of yourself you never knew existed. Are you ready for that? Can you give me everything, even though you know I will push you until you're ready to break?"
With both brothers vying for her affections, and the undeniable electricity between Mia and Quinn, you are left wondering what will happen between these three in the end. 

This was a gripping story which kept me on the edge of my seat and left me screaming for more. By the end my heart was racing and twisting, and I was ready to throw my kindle across the room so that it would smash into a million tiny pieces. I love Monica James for writing such an amazing story that I was unable to put down, but I absolutely HATE her for making one of the WORST cliffhangers I have ever read. Waiting 1 hour more to find out what happens to all the characters would be torture enough but to have to wait an unknown amount of time is just mean and sadistic! I am convinced Ms. James has a little piece of the devil in her. That is the only logical explanation I can come up with as to how she could leave us hanging the way which she did!!!!! 

Brilliantly executed! A MUST READ for all!

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Aubrey Miller banner
Release Date ~ April 25th
Author: L.B. Simmons

☆✮ Synopsis

For some, it’s simply one of life’s certainties, nothing more. For others, it’s merely a fleeting thought, one often overshadowed by the reckless delusion that they have been blessed with the gift of immortality.
For Aubrey Miller, death is the definition of her very existence. Overcome with the guilt resulting from the loss of her beloved family, she alters her appearance from the once beautiful, blonde-haired, blue-eyed little girl to that of one shrouded in complete darkness, enveloping herself in her own unbreakable fortress of solitude as a form of protection for others.
As she enters her first year of college, her goal is simple: Earn a degree with the least amount of social interaction as possible. What she never anticipates is the formation of very unlikely relationships with two people who will change her life in ways she never believed possible: Quinn Matthews, the boisterous former pageant queen, and Kaeleb McMadden, a childhood friend from her past who never really let her go.
Over the years, as their connections intertwine and grow, a seemingly indestructible bond is formed between the three…
But when death painfully reemerges, Aubrey is lost once again, burying herself deeper than ever before inside the familiar fortification of her fears.
Will the refuge of friendship, the solidarity of life-long bonds, and the power of unconditional love be enough to do the impossible?
Will they be enough to finally bring about…
The Resurrection of Aubrey Miller?

Melanie's Review

**4.5 STARS**

L.B. Simmons has once again delivered an absolutely beautiful story. I adored Aubrey, Quinn, and Kaeleb. The author did an unbelievable job at introducing these characters and made them extremely lovable. This is quite a bit different from L.B.'s other books and although I would read anything this Author writes, this book really caught and kept my attention.

Poor Aubrey has had an extremely difficult life. She has had too many loved ones die. She thinks she must be the reason for their untimely deaths and decides that she needs to make herself unapproachable. She becomes "Raven", the look that is supposed to keep others from wanting to be near her.

When "Raven" heads to college she meets her very bubbly roommate Quinn who is not deterred by her goth appearance. And then she runs into someone from her past who she hoped to never run into again, her childhood best friend, Kaeleb. As much as she continues to try to push these two into leaving her alone, they are relentless and refuse to give up.

This book takes Aubrey on a journey that she never expected to take. She must face some more ups and downs, but she will learn some very important lessons. 

“Thank you so much, Quinn. This day has been…unbelievable. And I owe it all to you. You have no idea.” My voice trembles a bit with the admission, because she really has no idea what she’s done for me today.
I feel normal.
A normal girl, about to have a normal birthday celebration with her friends, in a normal (albeit spectacular) dress, with normal hair and make-up.
The only thing that’s missing is a pair of normal shoes.
“Shoes! I need shoes!” I exclaim.
“No, you don’t.” Quinn giggles and reaches for the knob of my bedroom door.
“What? Why wouldn’t I need shoes?”
That makes no sense.
She’s drunker than I thought.
That’s it, I’m officially hiding the champagne.
“You’ll see,” she says just as there’s a knock at the front door.
She winks. “Trust me. Just, stay in here. Don’t come out until someone comes to get you.”
After Quinn quietly shuts the door behind her, I remain seated. As the sounds of Kaeleb’s murmur filters into my room, a nervous excitement flitters through my belly and spreads into my chest. My joy takes flight and I breathe in deeply, contentment pumping enthusiastically with each thrumming heartbeat.
Damn, it feels good to be alive.
I don’t have to wait for long. After a very loud squeal from Quinn in the other room, there’s a knock at my door. My pulse kicks up and I rise from the bed, smoothing out my dress. With a glance in the mirror, I pluck a couple of sections of my new hair with my fingers and set them back into place. “Come in,” I remark, turning in the direction of the door.
The handle turns and as Kaeleb pokes his head around the corner, his eyes find mine. His eyebrows rise as his mouth falls slightly open, and he breaks my gaze as his focus shifts to take in my hair, my exposed neck and the line of my dress. He holds his stare briefly at the crystalline sash lining my waist, and then slowly drifts down to my smoothly-shaven legs and perfectly painted toenails. The left side of his mouth quirks up as he clears his throat, frozen in place. He tears his scrutiny away from my feet to fully step into the room, then turns away from me to shut the door.
I take advantage of the 1.5 seconds his back is turned, and survey him from head to toe. His light-blue button-up is folded to his elbows, displaying the prominence of the flexed muscles along his forearms. As he places both palms on the door and leans into them, his shirt rides up enough for me to see the designs on the back pockets of his dark jeans. They hug his ass perfectly, and for the first time in my life, I want to slide my hands right into those pockets just to feel the hardness of his toned body.
My fingers itch with the need to touch him, but I maintain control while Kaeleb braces against the door, inhaling and exhaling deeply. He stays planted there for a few more seconds until I suddenly begin to feel self-conscious. I run my hands over my hair and dress to make sure everything is as it should be.
Just as I start to ask him if he’s all right, he whips around with a full smile on his face. A few long strides later, and he’s standing right in front of me. Raising both hands, he traces the tips of his fingers along the sides of my cheeks, leaving a scorching trail as they run down my neck and thread themselves into the hair at my nape. With his thumbs underneath my chin, he tilts my head back and looks me directly in the eyes.
“You look amazing, Sunshine. Truly breathtaking.” His head dips slightly and he runs his lips tentatively along mine, the movement so sensual I can’t keep my hands off of him any longer. Fisting his shirt in my hands, I pull him into me and press my mouth hard against his, the need to taste him overriding my caution. A whimper rises in my throat and escapes into his mouth as his tongue slides in between my lips, slowly and deliberately, taking his time to stroke and caress mine. His hold tightens as his fingers curl deeper into my hair, the tinge of pain sending shockwaves of pleasure coursing through my body until they land right in between my legs, the throbbing sensation growing with each strike.
After another gentle sweep of his tongue, he lessens the kiss and pulls back slightly. His lips brush against mine before they slide over to the corner of my mouth, up along my cheek, and then rest them against my ear as he breathes, “Happy birthday. The dress is phenomenal.”
  LB Simmons About L.B. Simmons
L.B. Simmons is a graduate of Texas A&M University and holds a degree in Biomedical Science. She has been a practicing Chemist for the last 11 years. She lives with her husband and three daughters in Texas and writes every chance she gets.

✯Cover Reveal✯ Familiar Ground by Michelle Lynn



ad•dic•tion noun \ə-ˈdik-shən, a-\
: a strong and harmful need to regularly have something or do something
: an unusually great interest in something or a need to do or have something

Leah and Adam have never met.
However, they live parallel lives.
Lives plagued by addiction.

When a tragic, but common demon, surfaces between their siblings, Leah and Adam’s worlds collide, never to be the same again.

Adam loses his sister forever.
Leah’s brother returns.
Both gain a niece, neither knew existed.

Now they face an obstacle to raise a niece together while Leah’s brother struggles to free himself from the grip of drug addiction as Adam’s family grieves for the sister and daughter they lost.

A commonality is discovered.
Deep wounds begin to heal.
Lines blur as their lives entwine.


Michelle moved around the Midwest most of her life, transferring from school to school before settling down in the outskirts of Chicago ten years ago, where she now resides with her husband and two kids.  She developed a love of reading at a young age, which helped lay the foundation for her passion to write.   With the encouragement of her family, she finally sat down and wrote one of the many stories that have been floating around in her head. 

When she isn’t reading or writing, she can be found playing with her kids, talking to her mom on the phone, or hanging out with her family and friends.  But after chasing around twin preschoolers all day, she always cherishes her relaxation time after putting the kids to bed.

Cover Reveal Hosted by:

✯Release Blitz✯ "Take Me for Granted" by K.A. Linde


Manwhore. Adrenaline junkie. Lead singer of ContraBand. What you see is what you get. I make no apologies for my actions, and by now no one expects any from me. I live my life the way I want and as long as it pushes the demons back, then I'm solid. I've never needed a chick for more than a good lay. Why would I need just one when I can have a different one every night?

Until she walks into my world.

Mouthy. Perfectionist. Princeton student. Chemistry major. Yes, that pretty much describes me. Oh, and virgin. But I'm only nineteen, and have more important things to concern myself with. What really matters is finishing my degree and getting a good job. I’ve worked hard for what I want, and do what’s expected of me. I don’t need anyone to get in my way.

Until he opens up my world.

But if I give you my world, whatever you do…don’t TAKE ME for granted.

“So, you won’t let me in then?” He hovered mere inches away from me.
“I’m not sure how many more times I have to tell you that you can’t come inside,” I said irritably.
A smile crossed his face, the same one that had done me in the last time we’d been together. I could feel the tension crackling between us, like a struck match or a zap of static.
“Fine,” he said.
Then, he grabbed me around the waist, yanked me outside, and dropped his mouth down onto mine hungrily. I lost myself in his lips. His hands ducked under my sweater, and his fingers dug into my soft flesh beneath. And without even realizing it, I was grasping his T-shirt for dear life and feeling the cold metal of his dog tags in my hands.
Holy shit! I’d never been kissed like this before. My whole body was on fire, and his lips were just fueling the flame. Burning desire snaked through me, starting in my fingertips, scorching through my chest, and settling in my core.
Grant walked me backward into my apartment and slammed the door shut. My back hit the wall, but our lips never broke apart. His hands ventured up my shirt, and I stopped breathing as he trailed his fingers lightly along my ribs. He skimmed the underside of my breast, and a groan escaped my lips. I squirmed against him, wanting what he was offering and silently freaking the fuck out.

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About the Author
K.A. Linde graduated with her Masters in political science from the University of Georgia in 2012. She also has a bachelors in political science and philosophy. She wrote her the Avoiding Series while struggling through advanced statistical modeling and writing her thesis. She enjoys dancing and writing novels that keep you guessing until the very end.

She currently resides in Georgia with her boyfriend and two puppies, Lucy and Riker.
