Book Title: Consumed
Author: Melissa Toppen
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: 3/15/2014
Hosted by: Book Enthusiast Promotions
Breathless Series Part 1
Addison Grant thought she had life all figured out. Attend college, land the job of her dreams, and marry her high school sweetheart. Everything seemed to be falling into place, or at least that’s what she thought.
Having moved from Vermont to Las Vegas with her boyfriend Grayson, the last thing Addison expected was to come home one day to find all of her belongings packed up in boxes and her eight year relationship over.
Heartbroken and lost, Addison finds herself, for the first time, unsure of what the future holds. But a chance meeting with a gorgeous bartender sets her on a path she never expected.
Liam Mason isn’t just your average bartender. There is something about him that doesn’t quite fit but Addison can't put her finger on it, nor can she deny the sparks that fly between them. As much as she tries to fight her quickly forming feelings for Liam, his constant pursuit of her makes it impossible to resist his charms.
When Addison lands a major project at work, she unknowingly sets herself up to discover that Liam is not who he says he is. When Addison learns the truth will she be able to forgive the lies or will she be forced to walk away from the one man who has consumed her entire existence?
The Breathless Series

Melissa is a lover of books and enjoys nothing more than losing herself in a good novel. She has a soft spot for Romance and focuses her writing in that direction but hopes to one day branch off and do something completely original. She loves music and is obsessed with the band Blue October! She has a rock star of a husband who gives it to her straight and two beautiful young children that show her what really matters in this life.
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I wake the next morning with a start. Memories of the night before come flooding back like a tidal wave. My day with Liam, The Eiffel Tower, the way he kissed me before we parted as if he was fearful he would never see me again. It's all so much to take in and yet I want it and so very much more. I take my time getting ready for the day. With no real plans, I shower and dress in a pair of Kristina's yoga paints and a pale pink t-shirt. I make my way to the kitchen to grab a bite to eat and am surprised to find Kristina already awake. Her tall, lean frame pressed against the kitchen counter, a cup of coffee in her hands. “Well good morning.” She chimes, when she sees me enter. “Don't good morning me.” I snap out playfully. “Thanks to you I had to spend my entire Saturday with the man of my dreams.” I smile widely at the last part. She catches it immediately, a squeal coming for her lips as she sits her coffee mug on the counter and skips happily to where I am standing just three feet away. “I knew it, I knew it!” She sings, pulling me in for hug. “So you had fun then?” She asks, dropping her hold of me. “Fun doesn't even begin to describe it.” I say, the smile on my face growing wider. “Oh no, you didn't?” She fakes mockery. “You slept with him? You did, didn't you?” “If you mean had the most intense, passionate sex of my life on top of The Eiffel Tower, then yes, yes I did.” I joke, watching her eyes widen with my confession. “The Eiffel Tower? How in the hell did you manage that?” She gasps in complete jealousy. “Not really sure. Someone Liam knows. They let us up after it was closed. Oh Kristina, it was like a fairy tale.” I say dreamily, for a moment losing myself to the memory. “Let's go grab some breakfast. We have no food and I want to hear every dirty detail.” She laughs, dumping her coffee into the sink and grabbing her purse. I follow, slipping on my tennis shoes before we exit. I spend the rest of the morning tucked away in a little family diner called Mimi's Cafe filling Kristina in on everything that took place yesterday. She was so excited for me she could barely contain herself and I have to admit it felt really good to have a girlfriend to share these kinds of things with. By the time we exit, it's late morning. The sun is scorching and I immediately wish I had gone with shorts instead of pants. Kristina and I say our goodbyes as she has plans to go shopping with her mom and I make my way back to our apartment, determined to spend the day lounging in front of the television. As I make my way back, my phone signals an incoming call. I scramble to remove it from my purse. An unknown number displays across the screen and I immediately answer it in hopes that maybe it's Liam. “Addison, it's Grayson. Don't hang up.” Is what I hear instead. I breathe out a sigh of aggravation but for some unknown reason, I don't end the call. “What do you want?” I snap, not trying to make friendly talk at all. “Look, I know that you are really angry with me. I feel awful about everything. Can we meet up somewhere for coffee or something? I really need to see you.” His voice is soft and pleading, something far from the normal Grayson that I am used to. “I'm sorry Grayson, I really don't think that's such a great idea.” I answer immediately. “Please Addie, just one cup of coffee.” He pleads. “I can't today, maybe another time.” I do my best to pacify him. “Monday? Come on Addie. Please.” “Fine, Monday.” I agree, really just wanting to end this conversation. I don't care what he wants, I just want him to leave me the hell alone. “Great, I will meet you in the lobby at noon.” His voice takes on a more chipper approach. “I can't wait to see you.” He adds in a more serious tone. “See you then.” I say indifferently before ending the call. Leave it to Grayson to put a damper on my perfectly peaceful morning. Not really feeling up to going home all of a sudden, I continue walking with no real destination just simply losing myself in my mind. It is hard to keep up with how quickly everything has changed but I don't regret a single moment of it. When Grayson ended things, I thought my world had ended. Now, I see it really is only just beginning. I have Liam to thank for that. Not to mention, some pretty awesome friends. My phone starts ringing again just as I reach the bike trails where I used to spend almost everyday running. I make my way to a bench off to the side and retrieve my phone from my purse just as the ringing stops. The missed call message shows it was my mom. Realizing it has been over a week since we last spoke, I click the number to call her back. She answers on the first ring. “I was beginning to think you had disowned us.” She lashes at me, not harshly but enough to get her point across. “I know mom, I'm sorry. Things have been so busy. How are you? How's dad?” I ask. “Everything is good. Dad is spending a lot of time in the garage again. He bought himself a new toy to fix up. It's the biggest piece of junk yet.” She whines, clearly not understanding my dad's constant need to buy old cars and rebuild them, something he has done since I was young. I used to love sitting out in the garage with him, handing him tools and listening to old Johnny Cash songs. Those are some of my fondest childhood memories and the thought of him back at it again makes me wish that I could be there with him. “Cut him some slack mom. You know how much he loves it.” I remind her. “How is everything else, anything new?” “Well that's actually why I am calling. Aunt Kelly is coming in next week and was really hoping to get the chance to see you. You really do need to visit. We miss you like crazy dear and with Grayson out of the picture, there should be no reason not to.” “I wish I could mom but I have work. I am extremely busy with a big charity event that's in a couple of weeks. It's really not possible for me to take time off right now.” I say, apologetic. “Kelly is going to be so disappointed.” She lays the guilt trip on me. “I know mom. Will it make you feel better if I promise to come visit you the weekend after the event? I can fly out on Saturday morning and stay a couple of days.” “That would be amazing honey. Your dad will be thrilled.” She says, the excitement clear in her voice. I really do need to get out to visit them and it probably isn't a bad idea to get away for a few days. I promise to let her know as soon as my flight arrangements are made and by the end of our conversation she is perfectly happy. I make an excuse about needing to get some housework done and quickly wrap up the phone call. After hanging up, I stare down at my phone for a few seconds, lost in my own mind. I don't know if I should be worried or relieved that Liam has not tried to contact me yet today. Regardless, I can't help but feel more than a little disappointed. I mean it was after all, the best night of my life. “Penny for your thoughts?” Liam's voice breaks me from my haze. I look up, sure that him standing there, a wide smile across his face, is a figment of my imagination. “Care to join me? It's a beautiful day for a walk.” He says, holding his hand out to me. I take it without hesitation and let him pull me to my feet. I twine my fingers with his, loving the feeling of his skin against mine. I want to question him on how he found me, how he always seem to know where I am. But in this moment, I don't care. I just want to enjoy being here with him. As great as this all seems, I still have the nagging feeling that I better enjoy this while I can because it's only a matter of time before it all comes crashing down. Nothing this good ever turns out to be true.

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