You know her side of the story, now learn his. "It was useless. I felt branded beneath my skin by a girl who left without even saying goodbye." When Will Price was assigned a partner for a sixth grade class project he had no idea she would become his best friend. After years of friendship, she eventually became so much more. Then, one day she left with no explanation. Will’s life shattered right before his eyes and he was left alone to pick up the pieces. Floundering without her, Will must figure out a way to carry on, to find a way to exist without her. Seven years later, a chance encounter leaves him desperate to get her back. He has one week to make her his again. Not everyone gets a second chance with the love of their life and Will is determined to never lose her again.
This is a really great best friends become lovers story but is also mixed with misunderstandings, loss and sadness.
I don't usually like sequels that are the same story from the other characters point of view but this book was great and did not disappoint. Yes, it did go over some of the same scenes but then it turned into a continuation of the first book.
I loved Will in book 1, but in book 2 he is OMG! I loved being able to read exactly what he was thinking and his true feelings for Sarah. Plus, we got to see just how upset he was over Sarah leaving and how he handled it.
I loved this book and adored this series. I will definitely be recommending it. And I can absolutely say that Carey Heywood has for sure been added to my list of MUST-READ authors!!!
"She has never been quiet, and with the echo of the empty house all around us, I wonder if the neighbors down the street can hear her. Once I've practically sprained my tongue and she isn't speaking english anymore, I lower her onto my c*ck. "Was that a good start to memorable?" I whisper in her ear, nipping it."
New York Times and USA Today Bestselling author. I make up stuff and write it down. Here are some things that make up who I am, in no particular order; Books, Swedish Fish, Rivers, Kids (I have some), Husband (I have 1), Dog, Wuss, Reader, Elephants, Mermaid Shows, Belgian Chocolate, Plastic Rings, Fizzy Water, Abs (I don't have them...well yes, I have them but they're nothing to look at I meant Abs that I like to look at), Twitter (@careylolo), Making up Words, Chair Dancing, Old Movies, Cartoons, Belgian Waffles, Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream, People, Kayaks, Screen Porches, Laughing, Colored Paperclips, Junky Green Laptop, Golden Rule, Falling in Love, Jumping in Puddles, Spellcheck, Windy Days.

Thanks <3