Thursday, July 31, 2014

✯Cover Reveal ✯Can't Let Go (The Invisibles #4) by Michelle Lynn



Dex is many things, a college senior, the bassist for The Invisibles, a son, a friend, everything but a boyfriend. Everybody knows him as the shallow guy who’s up for a good time anytime. People rarely take the time to see the loyal guy lying just beneath the happy-go-lucky façade.

There are parts of Dex’s life he keeps hidden. Ones he believes no one would understand. Since he gave up on the idea of a dream girl long ago, he thinks he’s finally found the perfect balance of connection without commitment with Sam.

Chrissy used to know everything about Dex. When he left four years ago for college, she was left behind. Four years later, with nowhere else to turn, Chrissy calls the one person she’s always counted on, Dex. One glance at the sad eyes he’s tried to forget and Dex knows it’s out of his control.

With Chrissy's return, lines begin to cross from friendship to something more, but will Dex's secret force them apart forever?

(Can't Let Go is the fourth novel in the Invisibles Series)


Michelle moved around the Midwest most of her life, transferring from school to school before settling down in the outskirts of Chicago ten years ago, where she now resides with her husband and two kids.  She developed a love of reading at a young age, which helped lay the foundation for her passion to write.   With the encouragement of her family, she finally sat down and wrote one of the many stories that have been floating around in her head. 

When she isn’t reading or writing, she can be found playing with her kids, talking to her mom on the phone, or hanging out with her family and friends.  But after chasing around twin preschoolers all day, she always cherishes her relaxation time after putting the kids to bed.


Don’t Let Go (Book #1)

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Let Me In (Book #2)

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Let Me Love (Book #3)

Cover Reveal Hosted by:

✯Review✯ Gilded Lily (Gilded Flower #1) by Vivian Winslow


After catching her fiancé Jack in bed with her sister the day before her wedding, New York socialite Lily Baron escapes to Rio, her honeymoon destination—alone. There, Marcelo, the dark and sexy hotel masseur, releases a heated passion Lily had never experienced with Jack. When Lily meets handsome and powerful Brazillionaire Gustavo de Lima, she can hardly resist him. There’s just one problem. He’s married. In this uber-sensual city, will Lily’s reluctance to be with a married man, in light of her own fiancé’s betrayal, give way to her burning desire for Gustavo?

 ✯✯Heather's Review✯✯
 ✯✯5 Stars!!✯✯

Wow!!! This book really gets you drawn in from the first page! Lily finds out that her fiancé has been cheating on her with her twin sister and walks in on them the night before her wedding. Even though her family still encourages Lily to marry him anyway, believing that security is more important than love, she cancels the wedding with a broken heart. Once she starts to build a relationship with someone new, she realizes just how much Jack has broken her heart and she runs off to Rio on what would have been her honey moon. While in Rio, Lily finds herself lusting after a man she can never have, but it is so obvious that they both want each other and they explore their relationship to its boundaries.

Meanwhile, Lily finds herself trapped in a horrible love triangle with one of the most powerful and wealthy men in Rio. I could not stop reading it because I had to find out what was going to happen next!!! This book is such a page-turner and I completed it within just a couple of hours! Vivian Winslow captivates you with such heartbreak, scandal, and of course our favorite hot and steamy sex, that will keep you wanting more! I can’t wait to start book 2 in this series!!!

✯Blitz w/Giveaway✯ Strip Teaser (Naked Night's #1) by Ava Manello

Strip Teaser (Naked Night's #1)
By: Ava Manello
Genre:  Erotic, Humour
Cover Designer: Margreet Asselbergs
When investigative reporter Sally Evans receives her latest assignment to uncover the naked truth, she gets more than she bargained for. Eight weeks on tour with the Naked Nights male stripper troupe to expose all their dirty secrets, is this serious reporter's worst nightmare. She'd rather a man keep his clothes on. For Sally, sex is only a consideration if it happens in the dark, not that she can remember the last time she had a reason to turn the lights off. With over-eager, over-sexed female fans in abundance and baby oil by the gallon, the guys are looking forward to some fun.... Sally's inhibitions are not.

Strip Teaser Playlist:
Strip Teaser - Fan Trailer:
Passionate reader, blogger, publisher, and author. I love nothing more than helping other Indie authors publish their books be that reviewing, beta reading, formatting or proofreading,  I love erotic suspense that's well written and engages the reader, and I love promoting the heck out of it over on my book blog.
I'm a mother, but most of all I'm me!

Stalk Ava Manello

Twitter: @avamanello

✯Cover Reveal & Giveaway✯ Without You Here by Carter Ashby

Cover Reveal
Book Title: Without You Here
  Author: Carter Ashby 
Genre: Contemporary Romance 
Release Date: September 9, 2014

 After fighting with her boyfriend, Ettie’s only goal is to drown her sorrows in some Jack Daniels. But when she walks into a country tavern, her attention is immediately redirected to the sexy, older man at the bar. He looks lonely, and sad, and absolutely mouth-watering. Ettie can’t wait to put a smile on his face. For the first time in two years, Wyatt finds himself jolted out of his grief—and by a spunky, vivacious young woman who somehow sees right into his soul. What follows is a passionate weekend full of more life, laughter, and pure joy than he experienced in twenty years of marriage. After they part ways, Wyatt realizes that his feelings for Ettie run deeper than lust. He knows she has a boyfriend, but when he finds out that the boyfriend is his own son, Blake, Wyatt is shattered. He despairs of ever overcoming the guilt he’s slowly drowning in. But Ettie’s resilience and optimism might just save him after all. This Is Now is the sexy, heartwarming story of overcoming grief, embracing love, and learning to live in the moment.


He didn't look up at me when he spoke. He was sopping up hollandaise sauce with a biscuit. "We should do this again, Ettie. Next weekend. How about it?" My heart was suddenly thundering in my ears. I watched him as he pointedly focused on cleaning his plate. "Are you asking me to be your girlfriend?" I asked. He finally looked up. Those blue eyes were hypnotic. And heartbreaking. "I'm asking you to have another fun weekend with me. That's what I'm asking." My eyes fluttered as they started to sting. "Do you need to get to know me better before asking me to be your girlfriend?" His jaw muscles tensed. "Ettie, I..." "Look, Wyatt. I have had just the absolute best time of my life with you this weekend. I have all the information I need to know I want to be in a relationship with you." He snorted and leaned back in his chair. "You don't know shit about me, Ettie. This was fun. But it was superficial and you know it." My chest constricted. I had to take a moment to swallow back the pain. "It wasn't superficial. I'm sorry it didn't mean as much to you as it did to me..." "It meant plenty and that's why I want to see you again. So let's do it, Ettie. Next weekend. We'll meet at the bar Friday and maybe we could road trip down to Gulf Shores or something. Or we could go zip-lining up at Cave City. All kinds of fun shit we could do together. That's what I want." "I want to go home with you." He looked away and shook his head in frustration.

  Meet the Author

 Carter Ashby was born and raised in Missouri. She is wife to a supportive, hard-working geek; homeschooling mother to three, future social miscreants; and caregiver to a high-strung, epileptic chihuahua and a severely accident-prone hound dog. Carter writes country romances and reads anything that sounds interesting.

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✯Release Day✯ Bittersweet Revenge by JL Beck

Bittersweet Revenge
by J.L. Beck
Series: Bittersweet, #1
Genre: Mature YA/New Adult - Novella
Publish Date: July 26, 2014

I’m a slut. Or at least that’s what everyone calls me. I guess that’s what you get when everyone thinks you've slept with the whole football team and then some.

My junior year of high school I gave my heart to Corey Winchester. He was handsome, cocky, and a pure gentlemen. Then everything changed in an instant. When I found out he was spreading malicious rumors about me, after I refused to sleep with him I was utterly surprised. To add to it, he broke up with me in front of the whole school. I essentially became the laughing stock of the town. People that I once called my friends became my enemies. Finding a way to ruin my life one day at a time.

Now the shitty part is I should have known a pretty boy like him was too good to be true. After ruining my reputation and life I did everything I could to stay under the radar, but it just wasn't enough. I slowly learned that all the torment, and hate was all for one thing. Revenge. That’s what Corey wanted, and why I didn't know. Then Rex Winchester came along. Corey’s cousin, and someone I knew I shouldn't be getting close with. A whole six feet of hotness, a smile that melted the panties off of every girl in a fifty mile radius, and a heart of gold. He could have anyone he wanted, so why he chose me Corey’s ex, the bullied, slutty girl was beyond me. All I knew was that I wanted him. I wanted him more than anything. The problem was, I couldn't tell if Rex, was just like Corey or if his intentions were as innocent as he was making them out to be.

My names Jenna Haines, and this is the story of how the one thing I wanted.. turned out to be the one thing that would hurt me the most. What happens when the one thing you least expect to happen, does? When all the lies and secrets come out. Well you're about find out.

Our eyes met from across the table. His looking as if they were asking for more, answers. He looked curious, and I wasn’t looking for curious. “Yeah mine too. Let’s go get a shake. FFA still does that shake Friday thing right?” I asked. I could really go for a mint chocolate-chip shake right about now. We got up to dump our trays, but before I could move out of my seat an arm snaked around my shoulder pushing me back down. I turned all but growling as I realized the arm belonged to the mongrel Corey. “Remove your fucking arm from my body before I show you what it’s like to have your balls stuffed up your ass.” He smiled, a big toothy grin, dimples and all that use to have me melting in his hands, now I just wanted to puke all over his face. Distress singles were going off like crazy in my head.

“Tsk, tsk, is that anyway to talk to me Jenna?” He said his arm very much still around me. I was about to lose my shit. “Move on asshole, no one cares what you have to say.” Mimi yelled.

He tilted his head at her as if trying to find her one weakness. The best thing about Mimi was anything that he said to her she would brush off. I however wouldn't.

“Hmm. Why don’t you stop worrying about me, and put your tits back in your shirt. That is unless you're joining the slut club that Jenna here is the president of?” Mimi smiled, leaning across the table, giving him a huge eyeful of her cleavage. “I think your lost buddy, president of the slut club is Marie Jameson.” She replied in a sultry tone pointing to the end of the table.

“But in case you can’t find her let me draw you a map with some crayons, you go past leave us the fuck alone, turn right at fuck off, and oh look you're in slut country.” His eyes dilated, and I couldn’t hold my laughter in. Mimi always knew how to tell someone to fuck off.

I pushed his arm off of me, catching a smirk on Rex’s face at the end of the table, knowing he had probably heard the whole conversation.

Corey gazed at me, following my line of vision to Rex. As soon as I seen I was caught I dropped my eyes down to my tray. The last thing I needed was Corey having yet another thing to use against me. His face leaned into mine, I could feel his hot breath on my cheek. The last time we were in a position like this was the very last time he kissed me. It was the last time, he ever treated me like anything other than a door mat.

“I won't warn you off, because you know what I’m capable of Jenna. But if you think you have a chance with Rex you’re more than fucking wrong. Don’t cross me, you know as much as I do you don’t fit in with that crowd. I mean look at us, how well did that work out. If you think I make your life hard now, lets just say it can get ten times harder.” He whispered in my ear, wrapping a small strand of my hair around his finger before standing.

“Also you might want to start fighting your own battles. Oh and nice tits Mimi.” He said loudly well smirking. My heart was racing, as he walked away. An encounter like that never happened before. School had been in session only a week and I knew that he would more than live up to his word on hurting me.

“What a fucking douche-asshat-fucking-cumsucker” Mimi said under her breath as he walked away. I couldn't agree more, but I wasn't going to keep retaliating against him. One he wasn't worth it really, and two I would be out of here in nine short months. If I could just manage to get through it.

Mimi reached across the table and grabbed my hand, pushing me from my thoughts. “Don’t let his false threats get to you. He will get what’s coming to him, he will pay for what he’s done to you. Maybe not today, or tomorrow but someday. I swear to it Jenna.” She said sincerely.

“You know I love you right. If I was into girls I would totally choose you as my girlfriend. No homo of course.” She giggled. “Sorry love, but I’m very much into dick. Like a lot.” I laughed back. This was true friendship right here. Now to get through the rest of the day without another encounter from either of the Winchester boys.

J.L. Beck is an up and coming new author. Her book Bittersweet Revenge will be releasing August 12th. She has always had a love for books and, since she could reach the books on a shelf, she has been reading. In her free time when she’s not talking to the voices in her head you can find her spending time with her husband Brandon and their two year old munchkin Bella. Some of her favorite things to do are read (of course), spend time outside, and catch up on all the angsty drama filled shows she misses during the week. She has a major addiction to social media and Starbucks coffee.

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Wednesday, July 30, 2014

✯Cover reveal✯ ALL I NEED by Scarlett Metal

Releasing August 11, 2014


Sex, Drugs, and Rock and Roll. 

It might sound cliche, but this is my life and I make no apologies for it. I party hard and f*ck my women even harder, sometimes more than one at a time. Music is my life and nothing else matters.

Then I met her. She turned my world upside down with one smile...

Would I be able to give up the life I loved for her?

About the Author 
Scarlett lives in the Midwest with her family. When she's not busy writing steamy stories, she can be found with her nose in a book, camping, or geocaching with her family. She loves Diet Coke, Tina Fey and Amy Poehler, and 80's hair bands. You can find more at:

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✯Blitz✯ Stray by Natasha Stories

Stray book blitz
Book Title: Stray 
Author: Natasha Stories 
Genre: Romance
  Release Date: May 11, 2014
Erin Timms took a new job as a veterinarian in Sunshine, Colorado for two important reasons: to get away from her ex, and to give herself a chance at a new life. But when devastating news of her ex follows her there, she begins to think she has made a terrible mistake. Tall, stunning-looking Jon Miles had only one goal: to save the mountain canyon where Sunshine is located from businessmen who want to exploit it. But how can he do that when he is already an outcast? There was nothing to suggest they’d ever meet, much less strike a spark of red-hot romance. Except that Erin can never turn away a stray. . .

  Meet the Author

Natasha is the author of romance and erotic romance novels and occasionally short stories. She loves reading as well as writing, and some of my favourite novels are books like Fifty Shades of Grey by E L James, the Fade series by Kate Dawes, as well as anything by Nikki Sex. When she's not reading or writing, Natasha can be found playing with her two puppies and having a glass of red.

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