Saturday, December 13, 2014

✯Blitz w/Giveaway✯Becoming Them by Elizabeth Lynx

becoming them book blitz


Book Title: Becoming Them
  Author: Elizabeth Lynx
  Genre: Erotic Romance (Novella)
  Release Date: October 2014

Josephine Powell has a Grade A man in Pierce. She has a great career as Assistant Professor of Psychology with a chance for a full professorship. Even her friend Luna has found love in Pierce’s friend Corbin. So why is her world starting to turn upside down. Her co-worker treats her as if there is a serious joke she isn't getting and Pierce keeps pulling away. Is everything good in her straight A life or is something very dark lurking in the shadows waiting to destroy everything? Pierce Carver has the most beautiful girlfriend in the world. He would do anything for her, except tell her the truth. He knows that will destroy them and possibly her too. Can he hang on to Josephine or will his past be the cancer that kills all that he loves? This is the final book in the Him Her Them Series. As with the other books there is hot sex with hot fair warning!


“I’m going to tell her tonight Corbin. This time I will do it, I swear.” My foot is tapping the wood porch in front of Jos and Luna’s place while my hand keeps combing my hair back. Damn it why can’t I get up the nerve to tell Josephine about Robin? Because she will hate me that’s why. Jesus, I hate me. No wonder that prick Ryan was being such a dick. I think he’s just a natural asshole but with the information he has, he is ready to take me down. That shit bag is chomping at the bit to sink his teeth into Josephine. I know once she learns what happened she’ll dump me. Perhaps that’s what I deserve, to have the most beautiful woman show me heaven and then drop my ass. God, I hate myself right now. “Well, wait until after dinner, okay Pierce? I want to have a good time tonight.” Corbin pats me on the back and rings the doorbell. We can hear laughter coming from inside. The door swings wide and Luna is standing there in a long green silk dress looking almost as striking as the gorgeous raven haired beauty standing just behind her. My nerves disappear for a moment as I try to catch my breath. Josephine has her head tilted down ever so slightly, but her gaze is set upon me. She is so beautiful standing there in her white dress. It makes her skin glow or eyes sparkle or something that stops the world for that moment. Luna practically knocks me over to get to Corbin, jumping into his arms and snapping me back into reality. I feel a hand on my arm, firm but gentle if that can happen. Looking over, I see Josephine smiling. “Are you okay Pierce? You should watch where you’re going Luna, you nearly knocked over my man!” Did she just call me her man? Perhaps this double date wasn’t such a good idea. I am sure Corbin won’t mind if I cancel and Josephine and I stay the night in bed. “Are you feeling alright Pierce? You have a strange look on your face.” “Ahhh...Yeah, I’m okay. Sorry, my mind was somewhere else for a moment.” “I think I can guess Pierce -- did it have anything to do with my bedroom?” She is smirking as she somehow reads my mind right now. How does she do that? I wrap my arm around her waist and pull her in to feel her warm body next to mine. The soft beat of her heart reverberates through me as I inhale her sweet floral scent. I don’t think I will ever be able to smell honeysuckles ever again without Josephine popping into my head. Even if she leaves me. Shit! I just remembered why she would leave me. I nuzzle my head into her neck to make the nerves go away. playlist Teasers



Meet the Author

  Elizabeth Lynx is not a robot, that’s for sure. At least she says she’s not. She is also not a space alien. How do I know this, because she was born in Baltimore Maryland in the 1970’s when no one wanted to be in Baltimore Maryland so why would her parents say that if it weren't true. Of course she has had her suspicions growing up and is still in a continual search for evidence that backs up her space age theories. To bide her time she writes about ‘normal’ people and their sexy romantic lives. Her husband chooses to put up with her theories and paranoid musings. Her two little boys help her see that perhaps she isn't an alien but more of a climbing rock. This theory is new, so she needs more time to develop it further.

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