Saturday, December 27, 2014

✯Review✯Catching Kate (Acceptance #1.5) by Dee Kelly


After almost four years, Michael Matthews has come face to face with the love of his life. To say it didn’t go quite as he envisioned is an understatement. Never in a million years would he have imagined that his best friend, Daniel, is the new man in Kate’s life. 
Once their explosive evening concludes and everyone goes their separate ways, Mike takes the time to calm down and plan his next move. If there’s one thing that calms him it’s Kate, even if it’s just memories of her. Mike has four hours before he sees her again and gets to plead his case. Instead of sleeping, he spends his evening remembering every detail of their relationship from the beginning. 

Experience Mike and Kate’s love story from the start, all from Mike’s point of view. Find out why he left Kate in pieces and learn just how far he’ll go to make her fall in love with him all over again.

✯✯5 Heartbreaking Good Stars!!✯✯

Even though this was a novella, it was packed full of emotions!! Even though Catching Kate picked up right after Breaking Kate it doesn't exactly pick up there. I honestly wasn't sure what expect when I started this. I mean I hated Mike in the beginning of this book. Daniel was it for me. 

After the night that Mike's past and present came and smacked right into each other he was beyond confused and devastated. For the past 4yrs Mike has been running. He always planned on returning when the time was right. He was on the way there just not like this. And, not where both his families being this connected. Because, he will either loose one family or both. Now, Mike is taking a trip down memory lane.

You see Mike has been madly in love with Kate since he was 7yrs old. Mike had 2 best friends, Kate and Jessica. They met when they were inseparable the 3 of them. They called themselves the 3 Musketeers. Back then Mike went by the name of Michael. Michael and Jessica literally told each other everything. There was no holds barred between those 2. They always had me laughing hysterically. It reminded me of myself and a few guy friends of mine. Now, Michael and Kate.Back then she went by Kate Grace. Then, it turned to Katherine after she lost her mom. Katherine and Michael started off as friends. Then, it became so much more. They were each others first kiss, first bf & gf. Then, they were the others first lovers. They were planning on being each others first and last for everything.

That was until they were getting ready to go off to college. On the night when Michael had planned on purposing to Katherine he gets a frantic call from his mom. His dad was involved in a car accident and didn't make it. With his mother blaming Katherine and her father. Katherine denying it. Michael is so lost & confused he doesn't know what to do or where to start. Except that after the funeral he's leaving his mom, Jessica and Katherine behind and never look back.

Michael now Mike is lowest he's ever been gets invited to a party by 2 girls. Ever since he left home he spends his nights drinking and different women. Anything to keep his mind of off Jessica and ESP Katherine. At the party was when he met Daniel & Conor. They gave him a place to stay for the weekend until Conor brother Jake came home. Daniel offered to introduce Mike to his dad about finding Mike a job. That weekend saved Mike from a serious life of destruction. 

Now, Daniel's parents have taken him in. Daniel's father is teaching him and giving him more & more responsibility everyday. Daniel, Conor and his older brother Jake have become not only his friends but his family. But, Katherine and Jessica have never left him. Mike is always wondering what they're doing. Mike plans on going back to them when the time is right. 

You'll read how Daniel got mixed up with Vanessa. She really is a bitch! Just saying. Mike has never told anybody in his new life about his past except that he had a bad breakup before he moved. None of the guys ever pushed him. Just that when he was ready he they were there to listen.

When his best friends Daniel & Conor started dating these 2 perfect girls. Daniel finally getting over the Vanessa disaster. Conor finally taking a relationship serious. Makes Mike talk to Daniel. After Daniel agreeing it's time to reach out he sends the letter. When he gets no response he says after Jake's wedding he's making it his priority. 

Then, the night before Jake's wedding his past and present collide in the worst way possible. Daniel & Conor brought their perfect new girlfriends. His Jessica and His Katherine!! Now, everything is more messed up then it was 4yrs before. 

After reliving his life from when he was 7 Mike really wants Kate back. Even though it is in Kate's hands he will not let her go that easy. Even though he kept saying he would respect her wishes. He knew that was BS. But, Daniel the guy who is the reason his life turned around. His brother. Oh man!!

Dee has me all over the place!!! I really loved seeing things through Mike's eyes. When he was retelling the death of Kate's mom he broke me. Then, him & Jessica had me weak from laughing. I did see how he was a lil to controlling for me. He did mean it with every good intention.Even Jessica. We see how much she really was Kate's best friend even then. You'll see how close she was with Mike and just how & why him leaving broke her as well. 

After what Dee did to me in both "Breaking Kate" and "Catching Kate" I'm afraid to see what's next. You'll never know or guess that this is her second book. She is def one of my favorite new authors out this year!!

Buy The Book

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