Saturday, September 5, 2015

✯Review✯Heart Breaker(The Heart Breaker Series #1)by Cole Saint Jaimes





Get high.

Sounds like the perfect day to Aidan Callahan. As second-born son to Chicago’s most influential business owner, Aidan’s life has always been about responsibility. Tradition. Toeing the goddamn line. Just do as you’re told, Aidan. Don’t make waves.

Well, screw that. Riding waves is way more fun than making them.

Hawaii is paradise on earth. Smoking hot women. Tiny bikinis. As far as Aidan’s concerned, wild horses couldn’t drag him kicking and screaming back to the windy city. Or at least that’s what he thought.

When his brother crashes his Mercedes, killing himself on impact, Aidan finds himself next in line to the Callahan fortune and all the ties that come with it.

And this time there’s no getting out of it.


A warm bed.

A steady job.

A brother who loves her.

For Essie Gray, life’s been one hard kick in the teeth after another. With her parents both dead, her brother is her only living relative. That is until Vaughn’s truck is written off, his life snatched away by the careless actions of a rich playboy in a flashy sports car.

Now, the only thing that will bring Essie peace is revenge. She must take what was taken from her. Only when the name Callahan has been wiped from the face of the earth forever will she be able to start living again.

Of course, the new head of the Callahan Corporation isn’t what she expected. Aidan’s sexy and sad, and just as damaged as she is. Will she be able to distance herself enough to accomplish her goal?

After all, ruining a man’s really hard when you find yourself falling for him…

 ✯✯4 Heart Broken Stars!!!✯✯

I came across this book and author on Facebook. When I saw the cover and the synopsis I totally Pre-ordered it. I was really glad when it popped up on my Kindle. But, I was kinda nervous about reading this though. Well, that's a lie. I was very very nervous about reading it. I was nervous because almost 9yrs ago I was in  a terrible car accident and almost didn't make it. And, my brother was there when it happened and I know how effected we both were from it. So, I was scared and knew I definitely was going to cry.

Aiden is living in Hawaii far away from his hometown of Chicago. Too bad it's not far enough. He hates his brother. With a passion!! Aiden wants nothing to do with the family business. Nothing. Not even the money. He loves living in Hawaii and teaching surfing and the girls and getting high. That's what he loves and there's nothing and no one that'll change that.

Essie and her older brother Vaugh are best friends. They're all they have. After years of going from shelter to shelter they finally have enough money for their own apartment. They don't have much but as long as they have each other they don't need anything else. 

One day one moment changed both Essie and Aiden's lives forever. Aiden's brother was driving their parents home and fell asleep driving and ended up crashing. They died on impact and in the process hit another truck. Vaugh was driving the truck and ended up dying at the scene. 

Aiden had planned on going home and letting the company either be run by the board of sell the whole thing. When he realizes there is no board and there are a lot of people relying on their jobs, he can't walk away. Aiden trades his board shorts and surfboard for  a suit and computer. While Essie shuts down. Goes into a severe depression. How is she suppose to go on with her life without her brother? Easy...Revenge. Essie takes a job to get closer to the last remaining Callahan and plans on ruining him.

It takes Essie 5 years to get the information she needs to ruin Aiden. She has is all planned out. Essie was shocked when he agreed to meet with her. There was something she didn't know. Essie wasn't the only one with a plan. Aiden has kept a close eye on Essie since her brother died. He's been dreaming about her as well. When these 2 finally meet face to face after 5yrs man is it hot!!

Both of them are dominate people in the bedroom. They can't fight these crazy feelings for each other. Essie is realizing really quick that Aiden is not what she though he'd be. The more she talks  and spends time with him the harder it's getting for her to go through with her plan to ruin him. Even though Aiden knows who she is and knows she is definitely up to something he doesn't care. He'll do anything to be close to her. Essie is confused and bolts! 

I read this book in one afternoon. It was a quick read. It was a good debut book. It was short sweet hot and to the point. I will say I bawled when Essie buried her brother. I couldn't imagine going trough that. And, being alone after that. But, I couldn't deal with the whole revenge thing. She ended up with a decent job and had an apartment of her own. You'd think after 5yrs she'd of let the revenge thing go. Aiden. Man, was he hot! And, he's really a truly good guy. Always looking out for everyone else's best interest over his. I'm hoping he can knock some sense into Essie before it's too late!!

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