Kylie Jenkins has lived the past few years fearing for her life. She knows she must do whatever it takes toescape her current situation. With each assault, the injuries she sustains are more severe. She calls upon her childhood friends to help her escape, however it means moving away from everything she loves. Without knowing if she will ever see her family or friends again, she takes off in hopes of a new beginning. Her entire world is turned upside down until she is reunited with her childhood love and things start to look up. Cameron is the type of man she wants to spend her life with, he is fun, sensitive, considerate, and sexy. Unfortunately, for Kylie, her dangerous past seems to be sneaking up on her. Strange things start happening to her, making her feel apprehensive and afraid. Her friends assure her that she is safe, but they start to think Kylie might be a bit paranoid. Will Kylie finally have her storybook romance? Or will her love and desire for Cameron be tainted from the start?
About The Author~
fun facts about Wendi~
1) I'm a nurse and work long 12 hour night shifts
2) I'm a grandma
3) I love to cook
4) I grew up in frigid Wisconsin(hence the move to Florida)
5) I'm a soccer mom
6) I drive a gas guzzling Dodge Durango with Hemi engine(many
stops at gas stations)
7) I'm very independent
8) I love to play the slot machines at the casino
9) I would love to move to the Bahamas
10) I could eat Mexican food every day.
11) I prefer salty(chips) over sweets(chocolate)
12) I smoked for 25 years(not proud, but have quit)
13) Cruising is my favorite type of vacation(usually 2 a
14) I have always wanted to write a book but was too chicken
15) I tend to let words fly out of my mouth before thinking
16) I now prefer Indie authors over traditional authors
17) My mind creates very naughty book characters(I have been
dubbed the Porn Princess by street team)
18) Writing is a hobby, but one that I love.
19) I have a book wife(someone I run everything by) and love
I just want to bring a little joy to my readersSocial Media Links~
Buy Links~
We start off with a very scared Kylie. Kylie has been in a relationship with Dylan. He keeps her prisoner in their apartment and uses her as a punching bag. Kylie has kept in touch with her childhood friends, twins Courtney & Cameron. They moved away years ago. She's best friends with Courtney. Cameron is her 1st & only real love she's ever had. After Kylie tells Courtney what's been going on, Courtney & Cameron buy her a one way ticket away from Dylan.
Once Kylie gets off that plane and see's Courtney it's like a huge weight lifted off her shoulders. Kylie & Courtney pick right back up like they just saw each other yesterday. Cameron on the other hand. He's a NASCAR driver & trying to get sponsors. So, until he can meet up with them at dinner he sets them up with a spa day. While Kylie is getting the massage of her life, the massage therapist gets a little too frisky. When she jumps up & turns around she sees the same eyes that she fell in love with all those years ago, Cameron. I must say I was very jealous of the massage that Kylie got. Hahaha!!
Thing's really, really pick up from there with Kylie & Cameron. That night when they go out to dinner, Cameron brings Blake. Cameron is thinking of renting a room to Blake and wants Courtney & Kylie's thoughts on him. Which is a automatic yes! Especially since Courtney noticed him playing volleyball on the beach that day & planned on trying to find him and get to know him if you know what I'm saying. **Wink Wink**
After Blake & Courtney go home together, Kylie ends up at Cameron's. From that night they very rarely leave each others side. The only times they're apart is when Cameron is trying to get the sponsors he needs & Kylie is with Courtney. They are either shopping or trying to find Kylie a job.
You'd think that everything is picture perfect. Well, guess again. Kylie is on edge! Every time she turns around she's either smelling Dylan's cologne, her stuff is moved or she feels like she is being followed. Everybody thinks she's just over reacting. Only Kylie knows how bad Dylan is. He always told her if she left him he'd find & kill her.
I really liked this story. I liked that it was in both Kylie & Cameron POV. I really did love their relationship. They really were so much in love & the sex!! They had such incredible sex! I mean WOW!! What I didn't like was how fast their relationship developed. I mean Kylie was with Dylan for 3 year. He beat the hell out of her for absolutely no reason. I don't know any woman that goes from being beaten on a daily basis. To starting a new relationship, even if you knew him when they were younger. I mean if you didn't know about Dylan, you'd never know she had it that bad. That was the only thing that annoyed me. That, and the cliffhanger!! What a cliffhanger it was too. I'm so mad that I have to wait until Spring to find out what happens next!!
"Kylie, I've never wanted someone as bad as I want you right now. You have no idea what you are doing to me. I just don't want to push things too fast and scare you away. I want to do things right, and cherish you."
"You make me feel things I have never felt before. I dreamed about what it would be like with you; however the dreams were nothing compared to reality. I'm certainly a lucky lady."
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