Cancer snuck up on me when I least expected it. But I imagine everyone probably feels that way. When I got my diagnosis, I was relatively young and otherwise healthy. I was a busy mom, wife, employee and aspiring author. Priorities shifted, and so did my perspective. Throughout my experience, I sought to become educated and I learned many things – some tangible, some intangible, but all of which I’ll share with you in this quick story. My hope is to further educate and encourage every woman, even if cancer never touches you or anyone you love. ALL proceeds will go to the Vicki Welsh Fund to help in the FIGHT against Ovarian Cancer:

About Michelle~
Michelle Grey has always been an avid lover of books. After surviving a run-in with ovarian cancer, Michelle decided that there would never be a better time to pursue her dream of becoming a romantic suspense author. Her debut novel, Dangerous Ally, launched in January 2013 followed by Unspoken Bonds, which released in September 2013.
Michelle lives in the Midwest with her husband of twenty-five plus years and has four amazing and unique children, a great son-in-law, and two beautiful granddaughters. For her, any day that involves family, writing, or reading is a great day, indeed.
Michelle's Social Media~
Facebook ~ Goodreads ~ Website ~ Twitter
This is a book everyone should read!! Cancer is one word that I hate the most. It doesn't matter who you are, woman, man, sister, brother, wife, husband... Anyone!! It can effect any and all parts of you, or someone you care about.
Michelle put it all out there for us to read. I felt all of her pain. All of her emotions. It definitely reminds you that if your body doesn't feel right. It's telling you something. Listen to it!!
I want to tell Michelle Thank you!!! Thank you for putting your story out for us to read. Thank you for spreading your experience. Thank you for reminding people of one of my favorite quotes.. 'Never Give Up'
Michelle I hope you realize how strong you are. You truly are an inspiration!! Again...... THANK YOU!!!!
You are awesome! Thank you so much for sharing my story!! <3