Dex is many things, a college senior, the bassist for The
Invisibles, a son, a friend, everything but a boyfriend. Everybody knows him as
the shallow guy who’s up for a good time anytime. People rarely take the time
to see the loyal guy lying just beneath the happy-go-lucky façade.
There are parts of Dex’s life he keeps hidden. Ones he believes
no one would understand. Since he gave up on the idea of a dream girl long ago,
he thinks he’s finally found the perfect balance of connection without
commitment with Sam.
Chrissy used to know everything about Dex. When he left four
years ago for college, she was left behind. Four years later, with nowhere else
to turn, Chrissy calls the one person she’s always counted on, Dex. One glance
at the sad eyes he’s tried to forget and Dex knows it’s out of his control.
With Chrissy's return, lines begin to cross from friendship to
something more, but will Dex's secret force them apart forever?
"Stop it, please. I don't want anyone's sympathy or sad eyes.One day my life will be different."
Michelle Lynn has done it to me again!! This is the 4th book in The Invisibles Series. Even though this is considered a standalone I would NOT advise you to read this first. Simply because every couple from every book continue their stories. So, whichever book you didn't read you will get spoilers as their story does mesh into Dex & Chrissy's story.
With that being said let me also tell you this. Trey is still by far my favorite Invisible still!! Yet, Dex totally wasn't what I expected him to be at all!! I knew from previous books that he's a player. Doesn't stick with 1 girl for too long. He's quiet and can be a dick most of the time. But, I never knew why.
Can't Let Go is about 2 lifelong friends. Dex & Chrissy met when they were 8yrs old. Both their fathers are gamblers. Unfortunately, Chrissy's mother left her so she's stuck with her deadbeat dad all the time. Dex on the other hand his parents are divorced. When he's with his mother he lives the good decent life. Then every other weekend he spends with his dad. So, twice a month on a Saturday night Chrissy & Dex sit there waiting for their fathers to either gamble away their money or win.
Chrissy looks forward to her 2 Saturday nights a month with Dex. He's the only one who doesn't look down on her for her clothes. Dex knows Chrissy's home life is nowhere near as good as his. He will bring her food from his mom's house. They understand each other better then anyone else does.
Michelle does an excellent job at showing us how their friendship/relationship grows over the years. The older the 2 get they spend less time together. Every time they do see each other Chrissy feels likes she isn't good enough for him. And, to make matters worse all Dex's friends let it be known that she may be hot. But, he's slumming it. Dex totally doesn't care what anybody says. He's never cared about anybody the way he cares for Chissy. He'd do anything for her esp since he knows her dad's a dirt bag.
After a few years of no contact Chrissy's dad strikes again. Chrissy calls the only person she knows will be there Dex. After a night together Chrissy tells Dex nothing and runs away again.
Chrissy hits rock bottom. Dex shows up and plays the knight in shinning armor to his princess. He brings her home. Dex, Brady & Sadie let Chrissy know she's staying with them. Dex & Rob are fixing her car. So, she's def stuck for a little while until it's done. Chrissy is not used to anybody helping her other then Dex. But, she's a strong willed person. She refuses help from people. It's funny watching her & Dex fight over money for groceries. Even Rob and her fighting over him buying lunch. For me what's so funny is. I am the same way! I can definitely see where she's coming from.
Chrissy becomes super friendly with Rob & Sadie right off the bat. I loved when she was with Sadie & the rest of the girls. It was the 1st time she had girlfriends. Jessa gets her a temporary job. Chrissy will fill in while Jessa is on maternity leave. She's def starting to trust Dex friends. Even starts considering them friends.
Dexis struggling with Chrissy being there. Everybody can see the looks that they give each other. Dex is hiding a big secret from Crissy and from all his friends. Dex feels like he is not good enough for her. Dex feels that Chrissy needs a man that is better then both of their fathers. But, what he doesn't see is that for their whole life he has always been their for Chrissy. In every which way. It didn't matter if it was giving her food, slipping her money, giving her a ride, beating guys asses that messed with her. Chrissy has always been #1 to him. But, he doesn't see it.
Over the weeks of them living together things get tense. Dex totally pulls a few dick moves. It pushes Chrissy further & further away. Which he thinks is right. But, it kills them both. It's so bad that Rob is the one to give advice!! Yes, I said Rob who's the more bigger badder bad ass! He actually turns out to be the one to give Dex the best & most advice to Dex.
This is a story that you must read. You have 2 friends who truly love each other with everything they have. Yet..On one hand is Chrissy who thinks she's not good enough for Dex. She feels he can do better. That he can find someone more classier then her. Dex feels that Chrissy can do better. He feels she needs someone better then her father & his combined.
They have to get over their insecurities. Must realize they are perfect for each other. This really is an excellent story. I loved watching Brady & Sadie and Grant & Jessa and Kailey & Trey's stories continue.I was ecstatic to see more of Rob. And, we got a different side of him. Which I loved!! My only complaint. I hated that none of Dex's friends knew anything from his childhood. They never found out how Chrissy & Dex knew each other except that their dad's were "friends". I hated that he didn't trust them enough to tell them.
Other then that I loved it. The sexual tension between Dex & Chrissy was hot hot hot!!! They're friendship was a awesome one. Nobody understood them like each other. Both Chrissy & Dex had a lot of hurt in their life. But, in the end no matter what the situation was. No matter the length of time they went without speaking. None of that mattered because they'd always be there for one another. This is definitely a story about second chances. Trying to redeem themselves. Prove they are better then their role models.
Next is Rob's story. And, I for one am looking forward to it!
"I think I've always been yours," I chuckle, "ever since you stole my Game Boy!"
Already regretting my decision to call
Dex in the first place, I keep my distance for the remainder of the night,
allowing him to have fun with his friends. He doesn’t engage me very much, only
telling me even more that he wishes I wouldn’t have invaded his perfect life.
By the time we go to bed, we venture into the room that is reserved for the two
of us. I guess when you come with so many couples, it negates the whole guys in
this room, girls in the other equation.
I escape into the bathroom and change my
clothes. By the time I return, Dex is already in his pajama pants, digging in
his bag. He drops his phone and bends down to retrieve it. As he steadily
stands back up, his eyes roam up my body and a warm current in my blood swirls,
following the path of his eyes. He bites his bottom lip and takes a deep
breath. “I’ll be back,” he says with a husky voice.
Once he rushes out, I climb under the
covers to disengage any sexual urges neither one of us will entertain tonight.
In this moment, I wish I could be one of those girls. The ones who could sleep
with Dex only to feel the comforting arms of a man, but it’s the fear of after
that keeps my hands pinned around my body. The fear that he would sleep with me
out of pity, or worse, that he would only do it for his own pleasure and
He opens the door, and his blue eyes
focus on the television and anywhere but at me. “I’ll sleep on the floor,” he
murmurs, never casting a glance my way.
“Don’t be silly. We’ve done this
before.” I flip to my side.
“When we were fourteen, Chris.” He grabs
the pillow.
“Really, Dex. I trust you,” I tell him,
facing him head on, and oh my lord, his muscles are everywhere. He’s always
been built, but holy mackerole, he’s insanely big now.
He looks at me long and hard for a few
seconds and then pulls back the covers. As he’s sliding under the crisp white
linen sheets, the mattress dips next to me. I turn around so my back faces his.
We both reach over and turn off the lights on our respective sides. The funny
thing is if someone walked in right now, they’d think we were two elderly
people, who have been married for years, instead of hot-blooded early twenty-something’s.
Minutes of silence fill the room, and
even with me shutting my eyes, visualizing what I imagine the beach must feel
like, sleep won’t come. Dex’s close proximity has my body hyperaware of his
breathing and his body. “Do you want to tell me?” he whispers.
“I’m okay. Like I said, I just needed a
break. Thank you for bringing me. I hope I wasn’t too much of an inconvenience
for you,” I lie, and a huge breath releases from him.
“You’re never an inconvenience to me. If
you don’t tell me, I can’t help you,” he adds, and I roll over, although, he
keeps his back to me.
“Nothing. Like I said I needed a
breather.” If I admit to Dex the real reason, he’ll try to fix it and save me
like normal. Being here with his friends and the people that care about him, he
deserves normality and that’s not in my life’s course.
My hands itch to touch the grooves and
contours of the muscles that spread across his back, displaying how hard he
works out at the gym every day. “Just wanted to feel normal. So, thank you
again.” The lies just continue to flow. He doesn’t need my drama in his life.
He has his together, why should my fucked-up past screw with it?

Twitter: @michellelynnbks
Don’t Let Go (Book #1)
Let Me In (Book #2)
Let Me Love (Book #3)
Can't Let Go (Book #4)
Thank you for participating in the blog tour!! I LOVE your review as always Stefanie!!! <3