Piper Ashby + Brad
Ashby = Twin Siblings
Brad Ashby +
Tanner McCain = Best Friends
Piper Ashby +
Tanner McCain = Off limits
Tanner and I
abided by the rules. We stayed on our designated sides of the relationship
Ignoring swarming
Settling on
lingering stares.
Here’s the secret … a hand extended over that
invisible line once, exponentially changing the equation. I was convinced we
could make our relationship work until Tanner broke the trust he embedded in me
from the age of seven.
One deceit of mega proportions and the relationship we
built for that short month vanished. I swore never to speak to him again and
it’s worked. Until now—two years later, when my brother’s wedding places me face-to-face
with the best man—Tanner McCain.
Leaving one equation to be solved. Can love surface
Michelle Lynn has done it to me again!! I know that whenever she writes a new book I won't get sleep until I finish it. Then, I cry and get mad when I finish it lol. This book was no different.
Piper and Tanner have been in love with each other for as long as they can remember. They both have a serious passion for swimming. And, hope to get into the Olympics for swimming. What's the problem? It's not a what. But a who. Brad. Brad is Piper's twin brother and Tanner's best friend. Brad is very, very vocal on them not dating. Tanner and Piper respect his wishes against what their hearts want.
The older they're getting the harder it is to stay away. While in college neither of them can stand to stay away much longer. So, they don't. Man, did these 2 dive right into the deep end and book it. Not looking us. They were hot hot hot!!! Unfortunately they do this behind Brad's back. It's eating up Tanner something fierce. Piper is scared as hell to tell her brother. She knows how he's going to reenact and it won't be pretty. Tanner finally gets Piper to agree to tell her brother the truth about them.
Just when you think their getting their happily ever after or see Brad go crazy. Some stuff comes out and forces their relationship to end abruptly. Bot of them very devastated by it. They didn't see each other for 2yrs. Until now. Brad is getting married. It's time to face the music.
Tanner's been away for the whole 2yrs practicing for the Olympics. Piper has been working in their hometown. Piper can not believe Tanner's coming home. And, what's going to hapen when he comes back. ESP since she does have a boyfriend. Even though him and every other guy she's dated has never had the effect Tanner did. Piper has him on a pedestal and has never taken him down.
When Tanner & Piper see each other nothing has ever changed. Their chemistry is still off the charts and their feelings are still run down just as deep mas before. Tanner lets her know he's back for her. He wants Piper back and he doesn't care who knows it.
Man oh man! Tanner is really the perfect man. Or is he? Piper doesn't really know. Her mind plays back to 2yrs ago. Her heart and body are telling her otherwise. Just when you think and pray everything will work out. Past and new information come up.
One minute I really liked Piper and the next minute I wanted to strangle her. Then, the 3rd minute my heart broke for her. Piper knew what her heart wanted. But, because she is the loyal kind of person. She tended to think and put other people's feelings before her own. No matter how much it effected her.
Tanner. Oh Tanner. I loved Tanner. He was the most perfect and loyal best friend. He loves Piper more then you can imagine. Would never hurt her. Yet, he tended to put his loyal friendship with Brad first too many times. No matter how it effected him.
This is a definite must read!! Michelle keeps giving us these perfect men in her stories. Everyone just gets hotter and sexier. This will be a book that you will loose sleep over until you finish it. I really hope Brad and everyone else get their own books.
✯✯5 Lovable Stars!!✯✯
Michelle Lynn has done it to me again!! I know that whenever she writes a new book I won't get sleep until I finish it. Then, I cry and get mad when I finish it lol. This book was no different.
Piper and Tanner have been in love with each other for as long as they can remember. They both have a serious passion for swimming. And, hope to get into the Olympics for swimming. What's the problem? It's not a what. But a who. Brad. Brad is Piper's twin brother and Tanner's best friend. Brad is very, very vocal on them not dating. Tanner and Piper respect his wishes against what their hearts want.
The older they're getting the harder it is to stay away. While in college neither of them can stand to stay away much longer. So, they don't. Man, did these 2 dive right into the deep end and book it. Not looking us. They were hot hot hot!!! Unfortunately they do this behind Brad's back. It's eating up Tanner something fierce. Piper is scared as hell to tell her brother. She knows how he's going to reenact and it won't be pretty. Tanner finally gets Piper to agree to tell her brother the truth about them.
Just when you think their getting their happily ever after or see Brad go crazy. Some stuff comes out and forces their relationship to end abruptly. Bot of them very devastated by it. They didn't see each other for 2yrs. Until now. Brad is getting married. It's time to face the music.
Tanner's been away for the whole 2yrs practicing for the Olympics. Piper has been working in their hometown. Piper can not believe Tanner's coming home. And, what's going to hapen when he comes back. ESP since she does have a boyfriend. Even though him and every other guy she's dated has never had the effect Tanner did. Piper has him on a pedestal and has never taken him down.
When Tanner & Piper see each other nothing has ever changed. Their chemistry is still off the charts and their feelings are still run down just as deep mas before. Tanner lets her know he's back for her. He wants Piper back and he doesn't care who knows it.
Man oh man! Tanner is really the perfect man. Or is he? Piper doesn't really know. Her mind plays back to 2yrs ago. Her heart and body are telling her otherwise. Just when you think and pray everything will work out. Past and new information come up.
One minute I really liked Piper and the next minute I wanted to strangle her. Then, the 3rd minute my heart broke for her. Piper knew what her heart wanted. But, because she is the loyal kind of person. She tended to think and put other people's feelings before her own. No matter how much it effected her.
Tanner. Oh Tanner. I loved Tanner. He was the most perfect and loyal best friend. He loves Piper more then you can imagine. Would never hurt her. Yet, he tended to put his loyal friendship with Brad first too many times. No matter how it effected him.
This is a definite must read!! Michelle keeps giving us these perfect men in her stories. Everyone just gets hotter and sexier. This will be a book that you will loose sleep over until you finish it. I really hope Brad and everyone else get their own books.
Soon, I’m unable to focus, and I
have no choice but to take a break to recoup some energy. Gripping the side of
the pool, I toss my goggles on the cement and lay my head on top of my hands,
leaning over the edge of the pool. Mentally tormenting myself on my recent obsession
with Tanner McCain, I’m surprised when the echo of someone else in the pool
alerts me.
There goes my therapy for today, I think to myself.
I hastily grab my goggles and rest
them on my head. My eyes glance up to see if the person is one of my teammates,
but what I find halts my breathing. Tanner snakes into the water, gracefully
picking up each plastic rope and ducking underneath, until he reaches the lane
right next to me. I gulp down the last of my saliva when he casually swings
back and forth on the lane separator closest to me.
He’s breathtaking with his goggles
resting on the top of his head and his strong biceps holding his body up in the
water. “I thought I’d find you here.” His classic smirk from last night is back
in place.
“You did?” Immediately, I hate my
timid and unsure voice. Even worse, the hopefulness it’s laced with.
“Want to race? Loser chooses Truth
or Dare?” He doesn’t make eye contact with me. Rather, he peers across the
empty pool.
“So I can lose?”
Every swimmer from here to California
beats themselves up on their workouts, imagining their fingertips on that tile
wall before Tanner’s.
He chuckles. “You know I only use
half of my energy when I go against you.”
I cup my hand and drag it across
the pool, splashing his face. He shakes his head, water droplets spraying off
his divine features.
“Jackass,” I say, my back against
the tile wall. I purposely don’t allow my body to win the fight to break the
distance between us.
“I’m kidding. Come on.” His head
nods toward the other end of the pool. “One lap.”
Then, out of nowhere, a confident
creature rises within me. I want to pick his brain and dig through the layers
to discover exactly why he sought me out in this pool so early in the morning
and why his hands roamed places on my body they never ventured before last
night. Most of all, I want to know how he left me without even a good-bye.
“What do I get if I win?” I raise
my eyebrows at him a few times for competition.

Twitter: @michellelynnbks
Website: http://www.michellelynnbooks.com
Thank you for participating in the blog tour! Loved your review Stefanie! <3