Seventeen-year-old Isis Blake hasn’t fallen in love in three years, nine weeks, and five days, and after what happened last time, she intends to keep it that way. Since then she’s lost eighty-five pounds, gotten four streaks of purple in her hair, and moved to the Buttcrack-of-Nowhere Ohio to help her mom escape a bad relationship.
All the girls in her new school want one thing – Jack Hunter, the Ice Prince of East Summit High. Hot as an Armani ad, smart enough to get into Yale, and colder than the Arctic, Jack Hunter’s never gone out with anyone. Sure, people have seen him downtown with beautiful women, but he’s never given high school girls the time of day. Until Isis punches him in the face.
Jack’s met his match. Suddenly everything is a game.
The goal: Make the other beg for mercy.
The game board: East Summit High.
The reward: Something neither of them expected.
*This book contains language, some of which may be unsuitable for younger readers.*
*This is the first book in the LOVELY VICIOUS series.*

“Let me talk to her. Give me one second.”
“Okay,” Madison giggles. He grabs my elbow and pulls me in the other direction.
“Is that how you kissed me?” I ask, nearly tripping as he pulls me along. “Golly gee, it looks kind of mildly fucking embarrassing! No wonder up my appointments - ”
“Whoa, I think you overestimate me, shitlord. Last time I checked all I did was be in the wrong place at the right time. I saw you and had to - ”
“Stalk me.”
“ - delicately approach you. In a sideways manner. From behind. Without being seen at all. For ten minutes.”
“Why are you even out? I thought you were sick.”
“I was. See, it’s this thing called an immune system -”
He holds up his hand and rubs his eyes. “Okay, stop. Shut all systems down and just. Stop. Talking.”
“It’s annoying.”
“That’s never stopped me before!”
“Why did you follow me?”
“I was…curious?”
He looks down at the jar of frosting I clutch in my hands. “Are you eating that out of the can?”
“Are you the king of stupid questions?” I fire back. “Of course I am! Frosting is the ambrosia of the gods. God, if you’re into that religious thing. Are you religious? Somehow I get the feeling the only church you’d join is the church of self-worship. Your body is your temple. Work it, boy.”
“What are you saying?” He snarls.
“You’re blabbering!”
“At least I’m not whoring!”
"I'm working right now, okay? I’m getting paid. So you need to just piss off and go to whatever immature party you were going to in the first place.”
“How’d you know I’m going to a party?”
“The receipt for red plastic cups sticking out of your jacket. Your eyeliner. Girls don’t make eyeliner wings that big unless they plan on drinking.”
“Touché. You’re smarter than I gave you credit for.”
“And you’re far more annoying than I first suspected. If I’d known you’d stalk me like all the others, I never would’ve kissed you, even as payback.”
“Seriously, you kiss everyone like that though! It was nothing special.”
“Exactly. It was nothing special. So back off and leave me alone.”

Sara Wolf did it again!! Isis Blake & Jake Hunter are great! They're both such strong characters. Isis use to be the fat girl. But, something happened to her 3 years ago that has left her broken inside. She's sworn off men forever & lost 85lbs. She's forever calling herself the fat, ugly girl. It's actually quite sad how broken she really is. She does have a mouth on her that will have you laughing your butt off!!
Isis becomes fast friends with Kayla at a party. She just annoyed me. Kayla's in love with Jake. Who is not your typical senior in high school. He thinks who the hell he is. Jake looks down on everything & everyone! He's like ice. Just like Isis, Jake is broken. Broken deep down. Kayla tries talking to Jake at the party. Needless to say he doesn't seem to give 2 shits about her. After calling her pathetic, Isis flips out!! They go back & forth and Jake ends up getting punched by Isis. That is where their war began!!
Jake & Sara literally go back and forth fighting. They go from yelling and screaming back & forth. To throwing goat shit in windshields. It's hysterical. They've got the whole school talking. During their war. There are some secrets they have uncovered about the other one.
Isis has it hard. Her mom has some serious issues of her own. Isis spends most of her time taking care of her mom & Kayla. She literally takes care of everyone but herself. Jake has a job. Which I won't say what ;) But, he too has secrets & reasons for why he is the way he is. Jake makes money to help Sophia. Yet, we don't know who she is or why he's helping her.
Thru the weeks of the Jake/Isis war. We learn bits and pieces of why Jake, Avery & Wren are the way they are. Isis considers Kayla & Wren her friends and will do anything to help them.
Just as Jake & Isis realize how much alike they really are. Even though they'll never say it out loud. They both start to feel something inside. Like the ice is melting.
As I'm thinking we're getting the happy ending. One huge word comes to my mind. CLIFFHANGER!!! I can't believe Sara would do this!! You will not believe this story. It was such a good one. I can not wait for the next one!!

I haven't read it yet but the excerpt is interesting.
ReplyDeleteIt's a very good book. It'll have you laughing that's for sure :)