Monday, June 16, 2014

✯Blitz & Giveaway✯ Polliannah Got Married! (Sémya Slotin Mystery, #3) by Danielle-Claude Ngontang Mba.

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Title: Polliannah Got Married! (Sémya Slotin Mystery #3)
Author: Danielle-Claude Ngontang Mba
Release Date: June 16, 2014
Series: Sémya Slotin Mystery Series
Polliannah Got Married! Cover  
The truth this time, and nothing but the truth…

Polliannah Koch Guryev is in trouble and her boyfriend is dead.
It's not the first time amateur sleuth Sémya Slotin finds herself on the first plane to rescue her best friend, but nothing's prepared her for what she finds in Toronto. Polliannah is a widow and her late husband John Allen was a hit man for the powerful Dovos family. What did they want from her? Why is this happening? One thing they do know: their carefree life back in London is officially over. Sémya’s long-time boyfriend Josh Heinz knows more than he lets on, but as usual he’s not telling her anything. In fact, everyone knows more, but nobody’s talking. But that never stops Sémya Slotin, Detective Extraordinaire, from finding out the truth beneath the lies… But at what cost? Old conspiracies and secrets resurface that put them all in peril. Sémya’s worst fears about her relationship with Josh and his past are confirmed, and the rift between them may never heal. Sémya and Polliannah’s world is falling apart. Will they be able to come out of this stronger? Oh, and did I mention that Polliannah got married?  

Buy the Book
Sémya Slotin Mystery series
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Polliannah Got Married! (Sémya Slotin Mystery #3)
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Bird of Prey (Sémya Slotin Mystery, #1)
The Plot Thickens (Sémya Slotin Mystery, #2)
Sémya stretched out her body long enough to get Josh’s attention. “Don’t you even think about it…” she said when she noticed his eyes glittering. “Thank you for the business class seats, very private.” He caressed her cheek and leaned down, “That was the whole point.” The third seat next to their pod was empty. “It feels like we’re alone here.” She stopped him only mere inches from her mouth. No distraction, even if this one was the sexiest of them all. She got distracted with the Cartier case and she didn’t pay enough attention to Polliannah and her mysterious John. She should have insisted on meeting him, a photo or even a fucking last name! Now she was on her way to Canada again after some many years. She should be packing for Cuba! A well-deserved vacation for the three of them, it would have been their reward for closing that Cartier case. “We need to talk, Heinz.” He looked at her, but said nothing. “Are you in any ways linked to this case?” He’s going to lie to me “I don’t know, Sémya. I honestly don’t know,” he told her. “Okay, let’s rewind. Does this have anything to do with your reason for being in London?” she asked then. “Sémya…” he started to say. “Don’t Sémya me! You’re obviously one bad bodyguard if you couldn’t catch the fact that Polli and I had a stalker for more than two months,” she told him. She saw the anger flashing through his eye. Well, he did let her down! She had secretly always thought that he was this man who had been there to protect her from… herself and the big bad world even though she didn’t need it. “Are you done, Slotin?” he said. “Not by a long shot if you have anything to do with all this,” she said and picked her laptop and the file Ally gave her. She made sure that the other file stayed hidden. “I’m not your bodyguard, Sémya. I never was,” he told her. “Whatever you say, Heinz,” she mumbled back. She opened her John Smith file and added what she knew about him. John Allen, Irish or Northern Irish, works for the Dovos family. She didn’t know a lot about the Dovos family, but she knew enough to discern that if they wanted Dmitri Guryev it wasn’t a good thing. She kept typing in silence for another hour, sending a few side-glances to Josh from time to time. He was reading… a book without a care in the world. “I think he targeted her because she was the single one,” she told him and closed her laptop. Polliannah was the one with the answers, all she could do now was try to relax and get some sleep. Another glass of champagne would be nice right now. “I rarely come to the store. How would he know?” he asked her, closing his book. “I bitch about you all the time to Manuel. That lad deserves a raise for all the things he’s heard his bosses say,” she told him. “I see…” Josh said. He took her by the chin, “He approached her the day you went to Paris, Sémya.” Polliannah told her about John the night she came back from visiting her mother in Paris. It was supposed to have been an easy case of stolen sketches from one fashion house to another, but it became the Johanna Cartier’s murder. “He kept taking her to her favourite restaurants and plays.” She grabbed his hand and squeezed it, “I do love the way you think, Heinz.” She really did… He kissed her, “We’ll talk after we land, I promise.” He slowly ran his hand through her hair. Sémya tried to think about all her new rules about distraction, “Come here…” “But how about Sergey? We didn’t discuss it in the store at all,” she moaned, pushing him away a little. They went to Maska for information on the Cartier case. Gary Finch, Johanna’s accomplice, was living in London under an assumed name and Maska was the place in London for fake papers. The truth was that they were completely isolated with a lot of free time until they landed in a few hours.
About the Author
Meet Danielle-Claude Ngontang Mba The Author, The Blogger, The Cheeky Reviewer “My life journey is like my playlist, amazingly unique but full of contradictions with surprising joys with every song...” In the past two years, while living in Canada, England and France I wrote four novels: This Could Have Been Our Song! A coulda woulda shoulda ballad... (Book one) currently available on amazon, iTunes, Kobo, Barnes and Nobles and Smashwords. The sequel This Would Have Been Our Song! Catchy tune and dancers’ tales has been in January 2014. Bird Of Prey, my first mystery romance novel has been released in October 7th, 2013 and its first sequel The Plot Thickens (a novella) in December. The second one Polliannah Got Married! will be released in June 2014 and the final one in July 2014. It won’t be the last book of the series.  
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