Sunday, June 29, 2014

✯Blog Tour Review & Giveaway✯ Come To Me Softly (Closer To You #2) by A.L. Jackson

From the New York Times bestselling author of Come to Me Quietly comes a scorching new adult romance in the Closer to You series.

A second chance at life…
A second chance at love…

Jared Holt never thought he deserved either—until he found both in the arms of Aly Moore. Aly has loved Jared for as long as she can remember, and she’s more than ready for the future they’re making together. But Jared can’t help remembering his own family. And he’ll never forgive himself for what happened to them. How can he allow himself the very happiness he once destroyed? 

To live a life worthy of Aly, Jared knows he has to stop running and finally put his past to rest. But when he decides to face his demons head on, he encounters more than he bargained for: a dangerous mix of jealousy, lies, and dishonest intentions. When those intentions threaten Aly, Jared loses all control, giving into the rage that earned him his bad boy reputation years before. And he’ll fight to protect her no matter.

Buy Here:
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                                         ✯✯5 Breathtaking Stars!!!✯✯

Even as damaged as I knew he was, this gorgeous man was my perfection. -Aly

There should be some requirements for all of A.L. Jackson's books. You first need to block a whole day. Because, you won't be able to put it down. Then, you need a fresh unopened box of tissues. You will definitely need them!! Find a comfy spot & hold on. You will be getting the ride of your life!

Come To Me Softly picks up right where Come To Me Quietly left off. Jared has come back to Aly. He knows he can not survive without her. Aly is his home. His life. His breath. His heart. Without her he can't survive. Aly is his EVERYTHING!!! But, he wasn't expecting the bomb that Aly dropped on him. Jared was going to be a daddy in 6 months.

"You are my life.... my future."

Aly can finally breathe. Jared came home to her. She can stop worrying that he out there hurting himself. Or worse. She wouldn't think about that now. They are having a baby. Now, they weren't going to have a secret relationship behind the safety of her bedroom door. Aly knows that now is when it's going to get difficult. She's pregnant, worried how her family is going to deal with her & Jared being together... With a baby on the way. Deep down Aly knows Jared has major demons to deal with. In order for them to move on completely, and for Jared to heal he MUST face his past heads on.

"I believe in you, Jared. I always have."

Aly's brother Christopher is conflicted with Jared being back. Last time him & his best friend saw each other it ended in one big bloody mess. And, his sister spent the last 3 months miserable. He makes a point to let Jared know if he's back he better be back for good. To step up & be a good man that his sister deserves. Then, they go back to best friends. I'm not kidding when I tell you every time Jared & Christopher were together I found myself sitting there by myself smiling & laughing hysterically!! I am super, super glad Christopher is getting his own book next. Because, he has a story that NEEDS to be told!!

Aly, Christopher & Jared go to Aly & Christopher's parents house for Thanksgiving. It's extremely hard for Jared. Going back there means Jared will be across the street from his childhood home. The one filled with memories of his family. His mother. It's all really too much for him to handle. But, for Aly he'll do ANYTHING!

"She changed me. And if you spent so much time with her over the last few months, then I know you know Aly and I are supposed to be together. None of this other shit matters. None of it. Nothing except for her and the baby."

Jared gets a warm welcome from Aly's mom. Her dad, not at all!! After awhile Aly's dad blows up. I mean looses his cool. He can not believe Jared is back. Everyone is acting like the past didn't happen. If that wasn't enough for him. He learns about Aly & Jared being together. Oh yea, and their having a baby. After letting Jared know he's not good enough for his daughter Jared leaves. Aly lets her father know you either accept it or loose me.

I love how Aly stood up for what she believes in. Aly believes in Jared. She knows he is  a good hearted person. She knows the pain he's feeling and all the grieve he doesn't deserve. Aly hopes Jared can figure it out too. 

"I won't believe anything but the fact that you're supposed to be here, with me. Whatever we have to go through, whatever we have to face, I've never believed anything so strongly."

Jared does EVERYTHING possible to prove to Aly & everyone else that he IS good for Aly. He buys a house. Or more like a complete 100% fixer upper. He does it! Jared gives Aly the perfect house. The perfect life. Too bad deep down Jared doesn't believe he deserves it. 

Aly is his reason for breathing. Everything he does is for her & their baby. They seriously have the perfect little life. Jared needs to feel Aly every chance he can get. I don't know she was able to walk half the time! Hahaha.. I mean she is one lucky chick. Damn!!!

"Jared, you don't... You have no idea what you do to me. How badly I want you....every day."

But, the closer to Jared's birthday the more his demons haunted him. He can not handle all the emotions that go through his head & heart. He knows he should be walking on cloud 9. Yet, there are thing's in his past that won't allow that.

Aly can see, sense & feel the change in Jared. She loves him so much. Jared is the ONLY guy she has ever loved in her entire life. Aly needs Jared. All of him. She knows what will heal him. Aly also knows Jared has to want it. But, getting him to except it & not leaving her again is another story!

"You did this, Aly. You made me feel...really feel. None of them did that. Not one."

When everything comes to a head Aly  makes the hardest decision in her life. It's not a easy one. But, it's one that in the end will save her little family of her, Jared & their unborn child. Aly also knows it will heal Jared. Give him some sort of closure and hopefully he will see that everything he has he deserves. That he can stop running, give his heart some relief. And, most of all Jared can be free.

I absolutely loved this book. We got to see more flashbacks from little Jared & little Aly. Got to see Jared's life before he started running and not looking back. It was written beautifully. In this book we really got a good look at who Jared was. And, how & why he was the way he is now. My heart broke for Jared so many times or him I can't count!

"I've always been your girl. You just didn't know it."

As for Aly. Where do I start? In a lot of books the females annoy me to no end. Not Aly!! I LOVE her. Aly is such a strong woman. She fights for what & who she believes in,. Family to her is the most important thing. I love her & Christopher's relationship. One minute they're telling each other where to go. The next they are calling each other because they missed the other one. The way she gave herself to  Jared anyway he needed it. Aly fought for him when he didn't think he deserved it. 

"Those ghosts live right here. Haunting you... every move you make. And those ghosts are going to ruin us if you don't turn around and acknowledge they're there.''

AL Jackson made you connect with everybody in this book. There was so many good times. And, other times that weren't so good. Jared & Christopher no matter what the situation was, they always had each others back. Then, laughed about it afterwards. You really need to read Jared & Aly's story. You won't be disappointed. I'm sad that their story is ending. But, excited to read Christopher's.    

I'd been running so long, it was the only thing I knew how to do. 
My chest jerked as I sucked in a breath. -Jared

Come To Me Softly by A.L. Jackson /Blog Trailer:

Be sure to join us for the Come to Me Softly Read Along Party! We’re kicking off the celebration on June 24th with a ton of prizes, then the read along begins. Daily prizes all the way up to grand prize on July 2nd!

Grand Prize: Coach Bag stuff with A.L. Jackson Goodies!

Come to Me Softly Read Along Party!

Come to Me Softly Release Celebration Giveaway!
Grand Prize: Coach Bag, Kindle Paperwhite, and A.L. Jackson Swag
Second Prize: Come to Me Quietly Custom Charm Necklace
Third Prize: A.L. Jackson Swag Pack


Buy Book 1 in the series – Come to Me Quietly:
Aleena Moore is content with her life. She has goals and dreams and an easy smile. She also has a secret she holds locked inside.
Jared Holt believes he doesn’t deserve to love or be loved. He destroys everything he touches. Haunted by the mistake that shattered his life, he’s fled from the memory of that pain.
Jared doesn’t know why he’s compelled to return, but finds himself drawn back to the place where it all began. The exact place where it ended. When he runs into his childhood best friend, Aleena’s older brother Christopher, he agrees to share Christopher and Aleena’s apartment while he looks for a place of his own.
Aleena is no longer the little girl Jared remembers from his past and evokes feelings in him he never wanted to feel again. Terrified of destroying her, he fights to keep her away. But her touch is something he can’t resist—the touch that sealed his fate.
Their pasts are intertwined and their futures uncertain. The only truths they know are the secrets they whisper in the night.

Buy The Book Here:
AMAZON - B&N - KOBO - iTunes 

Meet A.L. Jackson:
A.L. Jackson is the New York Times bestselling author of Take This Regret and Lost to You, as well as other contemporary romance titles, including Pulled, When We Collide, If Forever Comes, and Come to Me Quietly.

She first found a love for writing during her days as a young mother and college student.  She filled the journals she carried with short stories and poems used as an emotional outlet for the difficulties and joys she found in day-to-day life.

Years later, she shared a short story she’d been working on with her two closest friends and, with their encouragement, this story became her first full length novel. A.L. now spends her days writing in Southern Arizona where she lives with her husband and three children.

Look for Come to Me Softly and When We Met: Behind Her Eyes coming soon. 

Connect with A.L. Jackson online: 

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