Blindfold Fantasy ~ A Novel Ménage
by D.L. Roan
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“So, you’ve been watching me, huh?”
A deep blush flushed Jayne's cheeks. She fished for a response to his blatant flirt but came up empty handed. The intensity in his eyes stole her breath along with every word in her head.
“I love it when you blush for me.” He reached out and caressed her cheek, another deeper flush blooming beneath his fingertips. Dammit, why did she have to be so shy? She glanced nervously between him and the concrete steps. He was going to kiss her. She shouldn’t let him do it, but she was going to. She craved him. She wanted more of him. The real him.
He pushed from the railing and towered over her, the ambient lighting reflecting in his eyes as he looked down into hers. Heat caressed her cheeks when he cupped them in his large, strong hands. Her breath hitched and she let out a startled whimper when he leaned in, nuzzling her temple instead of moving straight for her lips. A sudden and loud bouquet of laughter echoed off the buildings around them. She turned to see a young couple stumble up the first few stairs below them and stop, oblivious to their surroundings as they groped and fondled each other in the midst of their own passion-filled kiss.
Jayne turned and covered her surprised gasp with her hand. Things between the couple below escalated quickly. The guy pushed the girl up against the shoulder-high wall, hitching her leg over his hip as he ground himself against her and deepened their kiss. Jayne shielded her eyes and turned away. “We should leave,” she whispered.
Blake pulled her into a dark corner of the patio and turned them back to see the couple. Her blood sang with excitement responding to the feel of his arms around her. “The only way out is down those stairs,” he reminded her. Oh, God, he was right. They were stuck. He bent to whisper in her ear. “Look at them, Jayne. Look how lost they are in each other’s touch.” The slow, seductive tone in his voice was different than she remembered. There was a genuine excitement that crackled in the air around them as he spoke, sending a shiver racing through her body. Her heart galloped in her chest as she suddenly found herself inside a reality version of the fantasy world he’d weaved for her before.
Her breath hitched again in surprise when Blake wrapped his arms around her and pulled her against him, keeping his eyes on the couple below. “Oh yeah, look at that.” He rested his chin on her shoulder and gestured to the lovers. The woman fumbled with his belt before she unzipped the man’s pants and cupped his erection. Heavy need robbed Jayne of her next breath, the unmistakable feel of Blake’s rigid erection pressing hard against her backside.

“This is wrong. We shouldn’t be here,” Jayne panted, but she couldn’t turn away from the sight below. Her chest ached with the effort it took to drag in each shallow, ragged breath. Eyes slamming closed, her hands flew to his wrists when his fingers clenched her hips and pulled her even closer. When she opened her eyes all she could see was the couple below. The man dipped his head and suckled the woman’s nipple through her shirt. Jayne almost cried out as her own nipples pebbled to painful peaks beneath her shirt.
“Have you ever been so aroused you lost the world around you, Jayne? So much so, no one existed but you and your lover?”
Only with you. Was this really happening? She floated between reality and fantasy, the line between the two blurring beyond recognition. The sound of his voice was like a tether, the only thing that kept her from drifting away into the bliss she’d craved since the morning she woke up alone in Vegas. He dragged in a long breath and hummed against her ear. Uncontrolled shudders rolled through her body when he took her earlobe between his teeth and closed his lips around it in an intimate kiss.
“Yes,” she gasped, her head falling back against his chest. Her fingers released their grip on his wrists, sliding down to tangle frantically with his at her hips to anchor herself in his stimulating touch.
“That’s where they are, Jaynie, lost in themselves; lost to the passion coursing between their bodies.” The woman dropped to her knees in front of the man and Jayne felt Blake’s hips jerk against her. His raw, tortured growl raked over her skin as she watched the woman take the man into her mouth, the man’s arms bracing against the wall, his head thrown back in a silent cry of ecstasy. Blake’s grip on her hips tightened, his erection grinding harder against her. “Do you feel it, Jayne?”
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Meet The Author
Contemporary Erotic Romance Author of super sexy, Alpha-licious novels.
After years of schlepping for the corporate world in an endless rotation of tasteless cube farms and cold coffee, DL Roan decided to give a little attention to the sexy voices inside her head and begin anew. Whether it's menage, action-adventure, passion-filled suspense, sexy cowboys, assassins or angels, DL's novels are sure to keep you on the edge of the page reading long into the night.
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