Sunday, June 8, 2014

✯Blog Tour Review & Giveaway✯​Familiar Ground by Michelle Lynn


ad•dic•tion noun \ə-ˈdik-shən, a-\
: a strong and harmful need to regularly have something or do something
: an unusually great interest in something or a need to do or have something

Leah and Adam have never met.
However, they live parallel lives.
Lives plagued by addiction.

When a tragic, but common demon, surfaces between their siblings, Leah and Adam’s worlds collide, never to be the same again.

Adam loses his sister forever.
Leah’s brother returns.
Both gain a niece, neither knew existed.

Now they face an obstacle to raise a niece together while Leah’s brother struggles to free himself from the grip of drug addiction as Adam’s family grieves for the sister and daughter they lost.

A commonality is discovered.
Deep wounds begin to heal.
Lines blur as their lives entwine.




“Do you want to talk about it?” I hesitantly ask, running my own finger along the steering wheel.

“I’m not sure. It’s just all so crazy in my head. Nothing makes sense. Nothing is going as I’ve planned.”

“Sometimes the best things that happen are the ones you least expect,” I say, like some damn philosophy professor.

She turns to me with a serious face. “Adam, what if Shane doesn’t get clean? What if he can’t do it?” A tear clings to her lashes before falling from her eye and trailing down her cheek.


Michelle moved around the Midwest most of her life, transferring from school to school before settling down in the outskirts of Chicago ten years ago, where she now resides with her husband and two kids.  She developed a love of reading at a young age, which helped lay the foundation for her passion to write.   With the encouragement of her family, she finally sat down and wrote one of the many stories that have been floating around in her head. When she isn’t reading or writing, she can be found playing with her kids, talking to her mom on the phone, or hanging out with her family and friends.  But after chasing around twin preschoolers all day, she always cherishes her relaxation time after putting the kids to bed.


Twitter: @michellelynnbks

✯✯5 Heart Breaking Stars!✯✯

Two people with drug addicted siblings who now have one connection...Dani, a niece they didn't know until one week earlier.

Well, I'm going to start off by sounding like a broken record. But, Michelle Lynn has done i t to me again!! I am serious when I say that every story gets better then the last. But, this isn't like the rest of her books. Not only is this a story about 2 people meeting, falling in love and all that good/bad mushy stuff. That's in there but the reason they meet and everything in between in nothing that I have read before.

Adam and Leah have never met. Yet, they life the exact same life. Both Adam's sister & Leah's brother are addicted to drugs. They'll disappear for weeks, months on end. To show up knocking on their apartment door looking for a hot shower, good meal and most importantly money for their fix. Both Adam & Leah are at their wits end. They tell them they are done helping them, they just can't do it anymore. They never thought that the next time there was a knock on the door that their lives would truly be changed forever!!

Leah gets the shock of a lifetime when her brother knocks on her door again. This time he doesn't want money. His girlfriend died of a drug overdose and he is left with Dani. Their daughter. He tells Leah he needs to finally get clean & he only has her to watch Dani. He leaves her the number of Adam. Dani's uncle. Adam is just as floored by this whole situation as well.

Leah &  Adam have no idea how this is going to work. Leah is deathly  afraid Adam & his parents are going to try and take Dani away from her. But, she also knows she can't go to school & work and take care of Dani alone. And, her boyfriend wants nothing to do with her niece. So, for the sake of Dani she agrees to let Adam help.

Adam can not believe that his nieces aunt is the same girl he has noticed at school. The beautiful woman who makes his inside race every time he sees her. He also can't believe her brother is the reason his sister was dead. Adam also can't believe he has a beautiful niece he didn't know existed. He has to figure out how he's going to deal with all this.

"I can most definitely assure you I am not gay, it just so happens the woman I want is already taken and I'm not one to share."

They all get into a routine rather quickly. Leah & Adam never thought they could fall in love with this beautiful little girl so quickly. They also can't see themselves without her in their lives. Dani is the most adorable, loving, caring little girl. She trusts both her aunt & uncle. But, there is something about her & Adam that literally made my heart melt every time they were together. Dani gets Adam wrapped around her little finger rather quickly. It def upsets Leah a little. But, she keeps trying.

Overtime, Adam Leah  and Dani get into a routine. Leah brings Dani to daycare. Adam picks her up. They all have dinner. Do bath & story time. Then, Leah & Adam talk before he goes home and they do it all again. Yet, when they are apart they are constantly thinking about each other. Even when Leah's with her boyfriend which is getting less & less. Adam is always in her mind.

The whole situation is hard. There always seems to be the elephant in the room that nobody wants to talk about.Leah can not imagine what Adam is going through with loosing his sister. She knows how she felt all those times she thought she'd loose her brother. Adam is angry. How is he supposed to handle dealing with Leah's brother when he finally comes home. What he really needs is closure of how his sister died. 

Have I mentioned how adorably cute Dani is yet?! Because, I love her. I could say that over & over again. And, it wouldn't be enough. 

"You've brought so much into my life. Thank you, Leah."

Leah & Adam finally give into temptation after Leah cuts her boyfriend loose. He was a real tool to begin with! They fall rather quickly for each other. They totally understand each other in a way not many people would. It's nice that they have each others shoulders to lean on.

When I tell you Michelle did such an excellent job at making you feel for both Adam, Leah & Shane (Leah's brother). Adam's parents are also a big part as well. Their hearts are broken at the loss of their only daughter. Yet, with Dani around she helps heal everyone as best as possible. Michelle made you feel it all. The pain. The anger. The sadness. The hope. The healing. The what-ifs. 

"I know, but I'll be here for you. I know we barely know each other but we're kind of kindred spirits you know."

This was nothing that any of them expected. Yet, they all  made it work the best and only way they knew how. It wasn't easy. Parts were painful. But, it was totally worth the read. Love & family is what gets them through the worst parts of everything.

Michelle hit another grand slam in my book. This is a hard touchy subject for some people. Yet, Michelle did an excellent job hitting the nail on the head. I did everything from laugh, cry, yell & scream. I held my breath at times. Thank you Michelle for giving me Adam, Leah & the cutie Dani.

If I believed in reincarnation I would believe that Adam and I were soul mates who found each in every life. We've been joined together by something more powerful then ourselves. It may not have been love at first sight for me but I fell for him so fast and so hard it might as well could have been.



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