Available from 10 June - Storm of Ekkos is the latest release from Heather Allen!!
Title: Storm of Ekkos
Author: Heather Allen
Genre: Paranormal Young Adult
Publication Date: June 10, 2014
Publisher: Heather Allen
What if Earth isn’t the only planet out there with life as we know it? What if one choice in the history of humans could change the entire course of the world?
Hadley Morrow, a sixteen year old inhabitant of Ekkos makes a choice. She must redeem herself and prove she is really meant for more. Her life has meaning beyond the choices of her parents. But the boy on the mountain changes everything. He is in the wrong place at the wrong time and her actions set into motion a journey to find herself and discover more about her future and the planet she calls home.
Elijah Weston, a sixteen year old member of Earth leaves his house to escape the small existence that he calls his life. He finds that everything is closing in on him and he needs a way out. The girl on the mountain changes everything. He is in the right place at the right time and because of her his life takes on meaning beyond what he can comprehend.
When Elijah meets Hadley everything he believed about his life and the world is turned upside down. Will they be able to overcome the future already set before them and change both worlds or will their choices be for nothing? Has everything already been written?

Heather Allen is the author of The Just Breathe Trilogy, Feeling This, The Sound of Shooting Stars and her recently released New Adult novel, Let Go about an MMA fighter. And now the first book, Storm of Ekkos in her new Paranormal Young Adult Saga. Heather finally realized her dream of becoming an author just over a year ago with her mermaid trilogy. She savors every moment on this journey and the wonderful friends she has met along the way. She has many more books planned. Ideas pop up faster than she has time to write.
Heather currently resides in the sunny state of Florida with her husband and three children. She holds degrees in education from The University of Central Florida and Nova Southeastern University. She is a hopeless romantic who loves to read just about anything. While writing she indulges in coffee and Jelly Belly jellybeans. When she isn’t teaching, writing or reading, Heather can be found at the beach or out on the water boating.

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Heather Allen has rocked my world. Again!!! I had the privilege of being one of Heather's BETA readers for this story. I literally enjoyed everything about it. I loved watching the characters grow. They started as one way and by the end of the story they had all gone through so much. They grew into somebody else. All stronger, more independent then they were to start off with. They believed in themselves more. Heather did that & she did it beautifully.
Elijah Weston who insists on going by the name Wes wishes that for just once he can get what he wants. Just once!! Yet, everybody seems to make that very difficult. His mom drives him absolutely insane! She refuses to call him by the name he likes Wes. She is making him date Bree. Because, it makes the family look good. Wes dislikes Bree with a passion. Her make-up her perfume just about everything about her annoys the hell out of her. The only person that gets him is his best friend Phil. I loved Phil. He always made me laugh! Wes wants to leave his little town of Lincoln so bad. He knows he doesn't belong there.
Hadley Morrow doesn't belong in Lincoln either. Instead she is from Ekkos. It is planet earth's twin sister you can say. There's a lot of things that are the same. But, there's a lot more that is not the same at all!! Hadley learns from her mom that not everything is what she thought. Now, Hadley comes to earth to follow & kill the demon all while finding her father.
Wes is driving along the cliff when all of a sudden a terrible storm comes out of nowhere. Out of the corner of Wes's eye he sees a girl appear out of nowhere. It seemed like she appeared from the cliff. Well, all it took was the 2 second glance off the road and he crashes his car. Almost goes off the cliff. Hadley knows she should not be helping. But, she can not let this guy die. Hadley pulls Wes out of the car right before the car goes off the side of the cliff.
2 days later Wes wakes up in the hospital. He asks about Hadley but nobody knows who or what he's talking about. Bree shows up & Wes is not pleased. After talking for a little bit. They both agree they aren't their 1st choice of who they want to be. Yet, both know their mothers have their own selfish reasons for making their children dating. They make a deal to continue this relationship on their own terms. And, to try & be friends.
Meanwhile, Hadley runs into Liv Shelby. Who lives with her parents. They too are from Ekkos. Which throws her for a loop. She thought she was the only one from Ekkos on earth! The Shelby's take Hadley in and take her under their wing. They try to explain earth & their ways to her the best they can.
Wes's mother & The Shelby's are friends. They introduce Liv's "cousin" to them. Wes mom tells them that Wes will show the girls around. Which makes Hadley extremely mad. This guy is getting in her way of her mission here on earth. Wes on the other hand is stoked. He knows that there's something special about Hadley. Wes also knows he'd follow Hadley anywhere!!
Hadley is attracted to Wes. She thinks she should stay away from him. But, she just can't no matter how hard she tried. Wes, Hadley, Liv & her parents realize that Wes is from their planet. Insane I know!! Wes gets the truth from his mom!! His dad is living back on Ekkos. Now, both Hadley &Wes are trying to find the truth.
More demons come to earth. Now Hadley, Liv, Wes (with his powers slowly coming out), Liv's parents and surprisingly Phil & Bree attempt to destroy them. It was crazy that Phil & Bree are willing to help. Esp Bree even though she can't handle it very long.
After disaster & disaster happen Liv's parents go back to Ekkos. The kids are on their own to look for Hadley's dad and get back to Ekkos. Hadley & Wes talk Phil and Bree into staying behind until they call.
They find her dad to find a huge surprise. Hadley has a twin sister!! On Ekkos you're only allowed 1 child. Hadley's mom hid her sister on earth with her father.
Heather did such an excellent job at keeping you on your toes. Because, I'm dead serious when I say so so so much stuff was happening in this book. Just when you thought you knew what was going to happen. Yup, guess what nope!! Something you weren't expecting happened!! I can literally keep going on all night. But, I'm going to leave it with this. Wes finds his father with one of the Morrow sisters. Now, they must fight for survival. But, they're completely out of their element & have no idea where to even start!!
This is a must read!! I loved watching everybody learn about themselves. Watched them fight feelings they weren't even sure what they were. They are very strong young adults coming into adulthood. They were also not 100% sure about themselves. Heather killed it. Thank you for letting me be a part of this. I promise you that you'll love it. I can't wait to see what happens next!!!
When Elijah meets Hadley everything he believed about his life and the world is turned upside down. Will they be able to overcome the future already set before them and change both worlds or will their choices be for nothing? Has everything already been written?

Heather currently resides in the sunny state of Florida with her husband and three children. She holds degrees in education from The University of Central Florida and Nova Southeastern University. She is a hopeless romantic who loves to read just about anything. While writing she indulges in coffee and Jelly Belly jellybeans. When she isn’t teaching, writing or reading, Heather can be found at the beach or out on the water boating.

Blog | Facebook | Kelconcar | Goodreads
✯✯5 Earth Shattering Stars!!✯✯
Heather Allen has rocked my world. Again!!! I had the privilege of being one of Heather's BETA readers for this story. I literally enjoyed everything about it. I loved watching the characters grow. They started as one way and by the end of the story they had all gone through so much. They grew into somebody else. All stronger, more independent then they were to start off with. They believed in themselves more. Heather did that & she did it beautifully.
Elijah Weston who insists on going by the name Wes wishes that for just once he can get what he wants. Just once!! Yet, everybody seems to make that very difficult. His mom drives him absolutely insane! She refuses to call him by the name he likes Wes. She is making him date Bree. Because, it makes the family look good. Wes dislikes Bree with a passion. Her make-up her perfume just about everything about her annoys the hell out of her. The only person that gets him is his best friend Phil. I loved Phil. He always made me laugh! Wes wants to leave his little town of Lincoln so bad. He knows he doesn't belong there.
Hadley Morrow doesn't belong in Lincoln either. Instead she is from Ekkos. It is planet earth's twin sister you can say. There's a lot of things that are the same. But, there's a lot more that is not the same at all!! Hadley learns from her mom that not everything is what she thought. Now, Hadley comes to earth to follow & kill the demon all while finding her father.
Wes is driving along the cliff when all of a sudden a terrible storm comes out of nowhere. Out of the corner of Wes's eye he sees a girl appear out of nowhere. It seemed like she appeared from the cliff. Well, all it took was the 2 second glance off the road and he crashes his car. Almost goes off the cliff. Hadley knows she should not be helping. But, she can not let this guy die. Hadley pulls Wes out of the car right before the car goes off the side of the cliff.
2 days later Wes wakes up in the hospital. He asks about Hadley but nobody knows who or what he's talking about. Bree shows up & Wes is not pleased. After talking for a little bit. They both agree they aren't their 1st choice of who they want to be. Yet, both know their mothers have their own selfish reasons for making their children dating. They make a deal to continue this relationship on their own terms. And, to try & be friends.
Meanwhile, Hadley runs into Liv Shelby. Who lives with her parents. They too are from Ekkos. Which throws her for a loop. She thought she was the only one from Ekkos on earth! The Shelby's take Hadley in and take her under their wing. They try to explain earth & their ways to her the best they can.
Wes's mother & The Shelby's are friends. They introduce Liv's "cousin" to them. Wes mom tells them that Wes will show the girls around. Which makes Hadley extremely mad. This guy is getting in her way of her mission here on earth. Wes on the other hand is stoked. He knows that there's something special about Hadley. Wes also knows he'd follow Hadley anywhere!!
Hadley is attracted to Wes. She thinks she should stay away from him. But, she just can't no matter how hard she tried. Wes, Hadley, Liv & her parents realize that Wes is from their planet. Insane I know!! Wes gets the truth from his mom!! His dad is living back on Ekkos. Now, both Hadley &Wes are trying to find the truth.
More demons come to earth. Now Hadley, Liv, Wes (with his powers slowly coming out), Liv's parents and surprisingly Phil & Bree attempt to destroy them. It was crazy that Phil & Bree are willing to help. Esp Bree even though she can't handle it very long.
After disaster & disaster happen Liv's parents go back to Ekkos. The kids are on their own to look for Hadley's dad and get back to Ekkos. Hadley & Wes talk Phil and Bree into staying behind until they call.
They find her dad to find a huge surprise. Hadley has a twin sister!! On Ekkos you're only allowed 1 child. Hadley's mom hid her sister on earth with her father.
Heather did such an excellent job at keeping you on your toes. Because, I'm dead serious when I say so so so much stuff was happening in this book. Just when you thought you knew what was going to happen. Yup, guess what nope!! Something you weren't expecting happened!! I can literally keep going on all night. But, I'm going to leave it with this. Wes finds his father with one of the Morrow sisters. Now, they must fight for survival. But, they're completely out of their element & have no idea where to even start!!
This is a must read!! I loved watching everybody learn about themselves. Watched them fight feelings they weren't even sure what they were. They are very strong young adults coming into adulthood. They were also not 100% sure about themselves. Heather killed it. Thank you for letting me be a part of this. I promise you that you'll love it. I can't wait to see what happens next!!!
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