Monday, July 10, 2017

✯Release Review w/Giveaway✯Whispered Prayers of a Girl by Alex Grayson

A tortured soul meets a damaged family…
A lonely man, a widowed woman, a carefree boy, and a broken girl… Can the four come together and help heal each other? Or will fear of the unknown and guilt about the past keep them apart?

Her whispered prayers break her...
At night, as she’s drifting off to sleep, I press my ear to the door and listen to her heart-wrenching pleas. Her words are agony to my healing heart, but I cherish the sound of them, for that’s the only time I ever hear my beautiful daughter speak. Since her father died two years ago, she’s grown quiet and withdrawn. Cat’s Valley was to be our new beginning, a place where my family and I can heal, but what we find there is so much more.

Scars mar his body. Pain has left him in pieces…
Four years ago, I lost the two things I cherished most in the world. They were ripped from my arms in the most painful and cruel way. Since then, I’ve kept to myself, preferring to stay away from the pitying looks and murmured rumors. Everything changed when she and her children barged into my life. It was an accident, and I don’t deserve them, but now that they’re here, I’m not sure I can let them go.

✯5 Broken Stars!!!

Oh my goodness! This is my first book by Alex Grayson and after reading this it's just my first book of I hope will be lots. Bc, I finished this book days ago and I'm still crazy for it.

Gwen lost her husband two years ago, leaving her and their 2 children Daniel and Kelsey alone. While all 3 are grieving it is her daughter who is taking it the hardest. She's stopped speaking. The Dr's are calling it select mutism. The only time she hears her daughter speak is at nighttime when she's in her room praying. 

Gwen decides they need a change and they move to Colorado. They have made friends and Gwen is hoping it'll help Kelsey. When she meets Alexander the town recluse she's intrigued by him. He may come to town rarely and act like he doesn't want to be bothered. But, when Gwen and the kids get into trouble during a snow storm it's Alexander whose their to take them in.

Ever since that night 4yrs ago Alexander's life has never been the same. If its not the dreams and the half built house to remind him. Its the scars that are on most of his body. Alexander doesn't know why he was saved and he doesn't care. He grew up in this town and everyone just whispers when he's around. Alexander just wants to be left alone.

When Gwen and her children get stuck in the snow storm he can't just leave them. He opens up his home to them. Alexander wishes he could just ignore them. But, Daniel makes it impossible. He talks a mile a minute and follows Alexander everywhere. Gwen as well makes it under his skin. But, it is Kelsey that truly gets to him. When he looks at her its her eyes. They mirror the pain that he has. Alexander and Kelsey have a connection that is so strong and can't be denied. No matter how hard he tries to stay away the harder it is to do.

This book gutted me! I'm not sure who made me cry more, Alexander or Kelsey.I do know it was Daniel who made me laugh the most. 

The author made me feel Alexander and Kelsey's pain. Kelsey didn't speak, but the few words she did broke me. Alexander tore me open. This book was so beautifully written and I wish I could get more of Alexander, Gwen, Daniel and Kelsey.   

JUST LIKE LAST NIGHT, I walk silently down the hallway until I make out the murmured whispers from a girl begging God to bring her father back. I gently lay my hand on the door and listen as she slowly melts my heart until it’s a puddle at my feet. My chest aches with the need to walk in there and take away her pain. I’ve never heard such tortured words before. The pain that comes from them is overwhelming and unbearable. Even my own immense pain from losing the ones I loved can’t compare to this. This girl’s pain is so much more.
My head falls forward, and I pull in a deep breath to steady my heartbeat. It’s been quiet for several moments, and I know she’s finished. I let my hand fall from the door, and I walk down the hallway back to the living room. I drop to the cushion and let my head fall in my hands.
They’re leaving tomorrow. The sun is coming out and the temperatures are supposed to be in the lower fifties, much higher than it’s been in days. The snow won’t melt in one day, but it’ll be enough to let the road crew get to the fallen tree and her truck. My call earlier tonight to Travis confirmed they’ll be working on the roads tomorrow.
I’m not ready. It’s unreasonable and irrational, but I don’t want them to leave yet. I’m not ready to give up Daniel’s buoyant behavior or Kelsey’s quiet and depressed mannerisms. I’m not ready to give up Gwen’s giving and resilient personality. I want to keep them here. With me. They’ve brought so much light into my life since they’ve been here, and I want to keep it for a while longer. Which means they need to leave as soon as possible, before my dark world rubs off on them. I want to be selfish and harbor that light, but I won’t.
What hurts the most was the dejected look on Daniel’s face when Gwen informed him and Kelsey they’ll be leaving tomorrow. What surprised me was the morose look on Kelsey’s. That girl and her sad eyes have me wrapped around her little finger. And the boy…. Everyone should have a Daniel in their lives. Gwen tried cheering the two up with promised visits to all their friends once the roads were clear enough for it, but I could tell it didn’t work. I could also tell it wasn’t working for Gwen herself. She tried to hide it, I’m not sure if it was just from the kids or from me too, but I know she doesn’t want to leave either. The four of us, in a matter of days, have become close, formed a bond of a sort. And that right there is another reason they need to leave. I can’t let that continue. It’s not something I deserve. It’s something they need to form with a man who’s worthy. A man who will be there for them always. A whole man, not one who’s only half of himself.
I give my hair one good pull, letting the pain push away the unwanted feelings, before releasing it with a muted growl. I’m pissed at myself for wanting something I shouldn’t. This family is too good for me. I couldn’t even protect my own when they needed me. How could this family be any different? I refuse to take that chance.
I lie back against the cushion and force thoughts of Gwen and her two kids away, and instead let my own demons take over. Closing my eyes, I let the screams of pain and fear flood my mind, reminding me why Gwen, Kelsey, and Daniel are better off without me in their lives.

Author Bio

Alex Grayson is the bestselling author of heart pounding, emotionally gripping contemporary romance including the Jaded Series, the Consumed Series, and two standalone novels. Her passion for books was reignited by a gift from her sister-in-law. After spending several years as a devoted reader and blogger, Alex decided to write and independently publish her first novel in 2014 (an endeavor that took a little longer than expected). The rest, as they say, is history.
Originally a southern girl, Alex now lives in Ohio with her husband, two children, two cats and dog. She loves the color blue, homemade lasagna, casually browsing real estate, and interacting with her readers. Visit her website,, or find her on social media!

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Other Works
Shatter Me
Reclaim Me
Unveil Me
Awaken Me
Endless Obsession
Always Wanting
Bare Yourself

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