Pushing You Away
Noah & Katie duet, #1
Ex-Con Duet Series
Pushing You Away is now available on all retailers!
I’ve been in love with my best friend Katie Walker for as long as I can remember. We may have shared our deepest, darkest secrets but that one I’ve kept to myself. Before I got the courage to confess my true feelings, my cousin Gabe moved to town and swept Katie off her feet.
I should’ve admitted how I felt but I couldn’t—especially once they got married. When I caught Gabe cheating on his pregnant wife, I snapped. A deadly fight erupted and before I could comprehend what happened, I was charged with his murder and sent to prison. The day I’m released, I go straight to Katie’s house. But after pushing her away for a decade while I was behind bars—she slams the door in my face—wanting nothing to do with me. While she’s determined to pretend I don’t exist, this time I’m not going anywhere.PUSHING YOU AWAY is a slow burn, angsty friends to lovers romance with lots of small-town, Southern drama. It's book 1 in the Noah & Katie duet and must be read in order.
Noah’s been in love with Katie his entire life. Noah wanted to kiss her and tell her so many times but he chickened out every time. Next thing he knew his cousin Gabe moved to town and asked Katie out.
Noah wanted to kick himself for not telling Katie his feeling’s before Gabe swooped in. But, Noah figured since Katie said yes to Gabe he figured she only liked him as a friend so Noah supported her decision and kept his true feeling’s towards her to himself.
Next thing Noah realized Gabe and Katie were married right after high school. Now Gabe and Katie are pregnant with their first born. Gabe is anything but a doting soon-to-be father Bc he’s been cheating on Katie. One night Noah decides he’s going to go and confront Gabe and tell him to cut it out and go home to his pregnant wife. It turned into an argument when Gabe hit Noah. When Noah hit’s Gabe back he hits his head, falls on the floor and doesn’t get back up.
Game ends up passing away from their fight. At Gabe’s funeral Noah is arrested and charged with murder. Noah ends up spending the next ten years in jail. While in jail Katie wrote Noah and tried visiting him but Noah refused to see her and never wrote her back.
Noah had his reason’s for pushing Katie away. The minute he gets outta jail he want’s to go see Katie and apologize for pushing her away but he doesn’t get that far Bc he gets a door slammed in his face. Noah gets it and he’ll wait until he can get her to listen.
But, before he can give her time there’s some people in their hometown aren’t happy Noah’s outta jail and back. Somebody’s coming after Noah and they’re going thru his father, Tyler and Gemma. The four of them decide Noah must go in hiding for a little while till thing’s cool down. Gemma call’s Katie and talk’s her into letting Noah stay in the house she bought and is renovating. Noah hope’s he can get Katie to talk to him and hopefully find out who’s after him.
Katie has always loved Noah but never thought he saw her like that so she kept her mouth shut. When his cousin Gabe asked her out she said yes hoping Noah would object but he never did.
Gabe wasn’t the same person as he was before they got married. She knew what he was doing but felt stuck. The last thing Katie ever expected was loosing both Gabe and Noah the same night and becoming a widow and single mom.
Katie never blamed Noah for Gabe’s death. It was an accident and she hates that he got sent to jail for this long. But, she’s extremely mad he cut her off when he was sentenced. He never explained why it was just radio silence from him.
Katie has worked hard to give her son Owen a good life. She’s just bought a new house and plan’s on doing the remodeling herself. There’s nothing she can’t learn from watching YouTube video’s. Katie has such an amazing support team. He two best friend’s Gemma and Everleigh, her parent’s and her in-laws have been very supportive of her and Owen.
When Noah show’s up at her house Katie doesn’t want no part of him. Yes, she wanted to know why he cut her off contract but she’s not ready for it. No matter where he pops up at.
When Gemma call’s her and tell’s her somebody is coming after Noah thru her, Tyler and their dad and they need to hide him, Katie is shocked. She knows ppl aren’t happy he’s out, her in-laws for one but didn’t think someone would try to hurt him.
Katie eventually agrees to let him stay in her house. She’s not ready to listen to him but refuses to let him get hurt. Katie let’s Owen know Noah will be staying in their house and it’s a secret. He can’t tell anyone ESP his grandparents and he promises.
Katie still sticks to her plan of working, taking care of Owen and get their house fixed. But, Noah’s at the house and they’re spending more time together. Own and him get along great.
Noah finally gets Katie to agree to let him help her and they start making a good dent into Katie’s lists on her to-do lists.
The more time they spend together the more they start talking. Noah finally explains his action’s. They also spill their guts on their true feeling’s for each other and they’re both shocked they didn’t know they were feeling the same things.
While Katie is still hiding the fact from her in-laws that she’s back talking to Noah and that their relationship has moved forward. But, before she can figure out how to tell them she figure’s it who’s behind wanting to hurt Noah and she’s sensed it all along. Katie just hopes she gets to him before it’s too late.
I devoured this in one Saturday!! I’m so mad that Noah was in jail. He never meant to hurt him let alone kill him. I feel he gave up Bc he felt bad for what happened to Katie so he just went with the punches.
I’m excited for the next part Bc I’m dying to know exactly who is the voice Noah heard. I’m also wanting josh and Katie to FINALLY get their HEA. ESP after reading the blurb for it.

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